by: Lynn Cutts
March (and April) bring income tax season. For most people, the entire process is a nasty chore, from gathering the information to filling out the forms, to paying the taxes. And while chocolate helps, it’s not enough. Which brings me to the topic of this essay: handling the tasks we hate. We all have them, whether it’s taking out the trash, paying the bills, getting up in the morning (for some, that’s a real chore), exercising, or whatever. So how can we make those nasty chores less distasteful?
Our mindset and attitude make a lot of difference in how we perceive life. If we have decided that something is going to be awful, then we subconsciously look for proof that it is. And we usually find it. Conversely, if we are convinced something is going to be fun, we look for that instead. That’s why two people sitting side by side each other at the same event can have two totally different experiences.
Let me tell on myself. I hate cooked carrots with a passion, almost as much as I love chocolate. (For me, eating cooked carrots is more than just a chore I hate–it’s cruel and unusual punishment.) This is not something new; my father tells me that the first time he fed me strained carrots I spit the orange goop right back out in his face. Anyway, a couple of years ago, I was eating at a restaurant in Vermont, run by students from the Culinary Institute of America. My plate came out with some orange puree on it, and I cautiously tasted it, quite prepared, if necessary, to re-enact the scene with my father. It was delicious. It didn’t taste like squash, or rutabaga, or sweet potato, all of which are orange vegetables that I like. I finally asked our server. “Carrots,” he said. Since I didn’t know they were carrots, I hadn’t decided that I didn’t like them. Since I ate the orange stuff without a preconceived idea, I actually enjoyed them. All it took was changing my mindset.
(By the way, I still don’t like cooked carrots. I don’t know if it’s because I know what they are and have made up my mind already, or if the carrots at that restaurant were just exceptional. I suspect it’s a bit of both.)
So when it comes to taxes, and other chores we hate, the way we approach them can change our experience of them. Here are a few different things to try.
So there are a few suggestions on how to change your attitude about those nasty chores. Play around with them until you find one that works for you. Because if we can’t get rid of the chores, at least we can change how we feel about them. And there’s no good reason for making ourselves feel miserable.