Having What We Believe...The Power Of Affirmations

There's been a great volume of work written on the simple power of belief. The
person who thinks he can, versus the person who thinks he can't. The person who thinks he
Can, has the tendency to succeed, thereby fulfilling his expectation. The same is
true for the person who thinks he can't. He also experiences his expectations.

What we say has a major impact on our mind, which greatly affects our direction and
ability...our out come. What we say really is an outward expression of what we truly

It is said that, 'Out of the mouth flows the abundance of the heart'. Therefore, 'It
will be unto YOU as YOU Believe'. Here we see that what is hidden in our heart and
flows from our mouth is that which we truly believe.

It was Napoleon Hill, one of my favorite authors who said:
"Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought."

So, how do you overcome un-satisfactory outcome? By changing you speech, which
affects your thought - belief, which impacts your outcome. By shifting your thought
patterns from a negative to a positive gear.

This is much easier than you may have imagined. Lets take a look at three Key words,
and begin focusing on Speaking them Seeing them, Doing them...you will note the
changes, over time.

The three Keys Words:

1. I CAN

2. I AM


It will take time, it will take practice, but, "practice makes perfect". In time you
will gain enough confidence to boldly declare your to succeed. As you experience
continued improvement, it will become second nature to you.

Whatever you put your attention on, grows in your life.
If you think and talk only about the good, positive things you want, you will be
amazed at how your progress toward these goals will gradually become manifested.

In a way this is like tending to a farm. In order to reap a good, healthy crop the
farmer first has to tend to the soil. He weeds out all the weed...or bad stuff which
would affect the health and productivity of his farm. He then once the soil has been
prepared, he then sow the seed. But, he doesn't stop there.

It may take weeks or months before he begins to see any evidence of the seed he has
sown, yet, he doesn't lose heart. He faithfully nurtures and cares for his field,
fully expecting a large, healthy harvest.

In like manner, so it is with our thought patterns, First we rid our minds of doubt,
fear, unbelief, negative speech. Then we begin positive affirmations. We cultivate
those positive affirmations into positive thoughts, actions of faith with great
expectations. Yes, just as the farmer, it may take some of us weeks or even months, but,
eventually if we are faithful and diligent on this path the Proof of our positive
expectations will begin to manifest.

You must think clearly, and with emotion, about what YOU want. Review and AFFIRM
this every day. Find opportunities to talk about the Positive about our Goals and

The subconscious mind is extremely powerful and will gradually orchestrate every
detail of your behavior to fulfill even the minute details of your desires.

The very universe will be directed toward the fulfillment
of those things that you dwell on.

You can bring your dreams into manifestation. Begin today, thinking, speaking, and
visualizing the positive outcome you desire. Voila! It will be so unto you.

About the Author

Lois has been blessed with earning a full time income working from home part-time, through combining MLM and Affiliate Marketing. You CAN TOO! Subscribe to Building Wealth News Ezine and Discover HOW to "Bridge The Gap Between MLM And Affiliate Marketing"
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