Hold That Elevator!

Hold That Elevator!

 by: Clyde Dennis

As Prince, or whatever his name is now put it in one of his songs, "When Life’s elevator tries to bring you down go crazy, punch a higher floor!"

Well..., This way to the next level!

Kids for the past couple of weeks I’ve experienced one of those periods I both love and hate at the same time. Hate’em because they’re painful. Love’em because they’re great measuring sticks and opportunities to see how far I’ve come and get a real indication of how far I still have to go. These are great opportunities for gaining even more clarity as well.

Just because I have the choice and can, let’s focus on the measuring stick side of this equation.

See, I’ve come to the conclusion that Life is about levels. From the time we’re born to the time we’re planted we should be about growing and learning and teaching. Continually moving onward and upward from level to level in our development. This is one of those things we need to keep a constant vigil on. If we’re not careful one day you’ll wake up and realize you’re still where you were three, four, five years ago. Same level of thinking. Same level of Life. Not good.

Stop this week. Consider what level you’re on. How long have you been there? How long do you plan on staying? What’s it going to take to get yourself to the next level? Some questions to ponder.

Life is a great teacher. If we’ll open our eyes and get the lessons, Life’ll take us right through the levels. Sometimes Life gets tired of the subtle approach though. Nothing like a good swift kick in the stomach from Life to get your attention and make you realize you’re not performing at the level you could and should be. Life determines that you’re not getting the lessons. Oh you think you’re maxed out and doing all that you possibly can. You think you’re being the best that you can be, then Whamo! Life gets your attention and provides you a clear, undeniable picture. Life says to you "...son, you can be better!"

Got it! And so I shall kids. And so I shall.

Thanks Life.

On the way out I want to switch things up a bit. Growing past the familiar "Life it Up!" epitaph to something a little more forward looking and thinking. Life has spoken, and says I can be better. And so... being the student of Life that I am I enthusiastically and filled with excitement say to you and Life...

Live some. Love some. Learn some. Everyday.
