Holidays - BE the Child Within Your Heart

I've always loved the lyrics in the song Landslide by Stevie Nicks:

"Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love? Can the child within my heart rise above? Can I sail through the changing ocean tides? Can I handle the seasons of my life?"

I first heard the song when it came out in 1975. I was completely alone; shell shocked from a traumatic childhood. And all alone during the holidays.

Yet even through that dark period I knew there was a light within me. I recognized it as the child I was when I came into the world. I knew I was here to fully express that child in her adult form.

But I felt so disconnected from that spark, that part of me that was snuffed out a long time ago. I was depleted. I thought everyone else on the planet was full of joy except me. What is love?

As I grew older, whenever I was knocked on my ass or felt lost I remembered the line "Can the child within my heart rise above?" In one way or another - not always elegantly - she did. She rose above.

What I learned over the years is children are born with moxie. Bundles of joy and love, they have the confidence and fortitude to fully express who they really are and go after what they really want, no matter what.

If you ever doubted the strong, vibrate passionate pursuit within a child, put a warm gooey chocolate cookie up on a high shelf. A child still in diapers will figure out a way to get that cookie. No matter what.

Until she is told enough times to believe cookies are bad and spinach is what she 'should' want. And starts to turn her pursuits to the spinach she's still forcing herself to like as an adult.

The more you shape-shift the child within your heart to love, embrace and pursue what isn't your heart's desire the more you will feel lost, disconnected and without joy.

If you are blessed to be around children this holiday season, watch how their eyes light up as they put their whole selves into their experience. Notice how they remain curious and curious-er with enthusiasm!

Sometimes they find more delight in the gift wrapping than the gift itself. Put a bow on your nose and a toddler will squeal with delight.

The child within your heart will rise above when you lovingly put your whole self in your everyday experience. When you allow parts of you to be held back - often by your own Inner Critic - you silence the child, gag her expression.

Being the child within your heart is just that - being. You cannot DO the child within your heart. Being is an inside job.

Sailing through the changing ocean tides of life is about how you show up to its events. If you fall flat on your deriere do you use it as an opportunity to learn and grow? Or do you crawl back under the covers, mad at yourself, your circumstance or blame others for your sad state of affairs?

A child is resilient. She will cry for a moment or two, dust herself off, learn something new, and go back to playing within minutes. She rises above. Staying on the ground in misery isn't an option.

Handle this season of your life. Reconnect with and love unconditionally the child within your heart. She will teach you how to rise above. Let your curiosity and wonder prevail. What was once routine or even challenging will soon become play.

Love your self. Give yourself a gift right now. Let your inner heart-centered child come out and shine.