How's Your Alignment

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Claudette Rowley

How's Your Alignment?
Claudette Rowley
Copyright 2003

"Your sense of boredom, contraction, or resentment is your soul's
way of letting you know that you are settling for less."

- Alan Cohen

I love going to see my chiropractor for spinal adjustments.
After each visit, I notice that I walk more easily. With my
spine properly aligned, it takes far less energy for me to move
with ease and comfort. Sometimes I don't even realize how out of
alignment I am until after the adjustment.

When your life is in alignment with who you are and what you
want, it feels much like the sensation you have when your spine
is aligned. As your life synchronizes with what you want, energy
flows toward those desires, opportunities open up and life and
work require less effort. Mental and emotional alignment is just
as efficient as physical alignment.

During a recent coaching session, a client (she's an
enterpreneur, coach and author) expressed that she had a case of
the "blahs" professionally and wasn't sure why. After digging
beneath the surface, she discovered her desire to shift most of
her focus to the book she's writing. She also wanted enough
income from her coaching practice to support herself and her
writing. In order to support this desire, she decided to coach
only two days per week and rescheduled her clients accordingly.

Once she refocused her time and energy in a way that was aligned
with what she wanted, other unexpected opportunities dropped in
her lap. For example, she was asked to submit an article to an
e-newsletter with one million subscribers. Overnight, the hits
on her website multiplied many times over, she had new coaching
clients and several potential clients in the wings. These
clients were the ones she needed to fulfill her second desire:
coaching income that supports her writing.

Let's review the steps this client took.

She noted her boredom, and took the time to examine what was

underneath the surface. In my experience, boredom is most

often a sign of a deeper desire or impulse that wants to be

acted on or expressed.

Not only did she identify what she wanted (to focus on her book

and the income to support that focus), she took action by

rescheduling her clients and turning her focus toward the book.

She stopped short of telling herself that she couldn't have

what she wanted.

When an unexpected opportunity presented itself (the request to

submit an article to an e-newsletter), she polished an existing

article and submitted it. Again, she took action that was in

alignment with her desires.

Although she had no idea what the opportunities might be, she

waited for them to come to her. When an opportunity did present

itself, she used her intuition to determine whether it was the

right one for her. She also checked in with her energy

level. If her energy had plummeted at the thought of submitting

her article, that would have been a signal that the opportunity

wasn't right for her.

Alignment requires trust, being aware of self-sabotage, and
giving yourself permission to have what you want. When
unexpected opportunities present themselves, use your intuition
or "gut" feeling to determine whether they're in line with your
vision or goal.

Allow your entrepreneurship to be easier.
Get clear about what you want, and move your business into
alignment with it. You'll be working less and reaping more. Who
doesn't want that?

Claudette Rowley, coach and author, helps professionals
identify and pursue their true purpose and calling in life.
Contact her today for a complimentary consultation at 781-676-5633
or Sign up for her free newsletter
"Insights for the Savvy" at

About the Author

Claudette Rowley, coach and author, helps professionals
identify and pursue their true purpose and calling in life.
Contact her today for a complimentary consultation at 781-676-5633
or Sign up for her free newsletter
"Insights for the Savvy" at