It is comforting to know that we choose the way we see the
world, isn't it? We choose both our view and our response to the
view. Why do I think this is comforting? Because you have the
ultimate control to change your perceptions and reactions. For
some it is not comforting, it's terrifying! What would happen if
you had no one to blame your feelings on?

You've probably all heard the saying, "You'll be about as happy
as you make up your mind to be." There is so much truth in that.
I remember when I really understood that truth. I was a young
single mom with three children and had just been awarded the
custody of the children and all the family debts. The choice was
clear. Option One: "Ain't it awful!" followed by justifiable
depression. Option Two: "He done me wrong!" followed by
justifiable anger. Option Three: "Here's a challenge!" followed
by determination to create something better than ever.
Simplistic, for sure, but it makes the point. When you know that
you choose your perception of an event or situation, you can be
empowered to choose the response to it that fits your values.

It's usually easy to find a lot of agreement for the negative
responses in life. For example, it is not difficult to find
someone to complain to, and with, in the coffee room at work.
What if you simply stopped doing that? Focused on the positive,
or said nothing. What if you made an agreement with yourself
that whatever you said in future would be solution-oriented
rather than problem-oriented? Stepped past the problem and into
possible solutions! This is not denying the problem. Of course,
they need to be identified. They just don't need all that
investment of time and emotion.

Identify and move to solution!

Remember to ask for help! It is a great compliment to others to
ask for their help. It shows confidence in their ability to
generate solutions with you...not for you!

For today, notice your focus. Is it on problems or solutions?
How quickly can you reassemble your thoughts to say something
that focuses on solutions?

About the Author

Rhoberta Shaler, PhD
Keynotes, Seminars & Coaching for entrepreneurs & professionals
who want the motivation & strategies to achieve, to lead and to
live richly. Creator of the Living Richly™ Program Host of
Living Richly™ on Author of OPTIMIZE Your Day!
Practical Wisdom for Optimal Living Optimize Life Now! San Diego, CA