How Much Dysfunction Should You Allow Into Your Life

What exactly is dysfunction? It is a word society,
although probably overused, labels most anything
and everything. However, its true attribute can be
characterized as a negative that is mostly hurtful and

A parent who consistently talks down to their children
in the attempts of suppressing their self esteem
would be a perfect citing of dysfunction.

It is quite obvious that none of us can escape
dysfunction. Television and media cater to an
extremely dysfunctional character trait that I believe
is learned, not necessarily inherited. The you angle
is portrayed as subtle, but quite effective.

When the media designs a mass advertising
campaign, they brainstorm the best way to approach
any perspective consumer in a targeted
demographic. The you angle feeds a person’s sense
of “what’s in it for me and how can I benefit”? This
mindset, I feel, carries over into all phases of one’s
life creating an environment of constantly coveting
self fulfillment.

So with this said, how does one break this powerful
mold the media injects daily onto you?

First, recognition of what is right and wrong is a good
place to start because the all-encompassing media
does not care about the average person, they simply
care about selling products, magazines, newspapers,
and the like. This is much like recognizing your
opponent’s weaknesses by studying them before you
engage them in whatever competition; a person must
understand this insurgent aspect of the media.

The media is just one example of dysfunction, but
there are literally hundreds of examples one could
conjure up, and it would take an entire book to list
and explain each one of them.

Initially, if a person has the ability to recognize or
detect dysfunction, then it would be logical that this
person has the capability to halt its progression into
their lives. However, if a person is so accustomed to
this way of life, it is seemingly second nature.

In this instance, logical thinking must be implemented
in order to understand that aspects of dysfunction are
infiltrating now, and have in the past. Well, you
might think one person’s trash could be considered
another’s treasure, so how would a certain aspect of
one’s life be blanketed as dysfunctional?


If a person enables dysfunctional behavior, then the
people they enable will eventually catch on to this
and know that you will always permit it, so the cycle

Using your God-given logic will always assist you in
diagnosing a scenario that is littered with
dysfunction, or one that has the potential to bring it
into your life.

If you are a person who thinks more with their heart
than their head, this needs to change immediately!
Many of the times we are hurt by thinking with our
heart, and in turn the consequences can be quite

Taking control of how much negative comes into your
life is the basis for this article. I want the reader to
understand that they do have power to not only make
changes, however painful they might be, but dam up
the flow that a river of illogic and dysfunction causes.

By recognizing dysfunction, you limit its growth at its
root and logically understand its negative
characteristics. This gives you more than enough
ammunition to stave off its constant barrage. So start
to control the damage dysfunction brings today rather
than settling for a more inferior quality of life.

by Brian
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About the Author

Brian is an online writer assisting others in understanding their personal values within their relationships. As site owner of the new, solid editorial is what you can expect from him in the future along with his first book to be released in 2005.