How to Achieve Your Goals

How to Achieve your goals
By Ja-Nae Duane and Http://

We all have a goal that we are trying to achieve. It doesn’t matter if you are a runner or a musician; there is always something that you would like to have. Well, though I wish that fairy godmothers were real……they’re not. It’s our responsibility to go out and obtain our own wishes and desires. Of course, nothing will ever be accomplished without perseverance and self discipline.

I can not begin to count the times I’ve heard, “Yea, I’m in a band. We’re practicing and stuff, but we can’t seem to really get any gigs or get a break.” Of course, I immediately start asking them how hard they have been trying and what tactics they’ve used. A few months after, I’ll ask how everything is going with their project. Most of the time, either nothing has been done or they have been banging their heads against the wall with the same angle. At this point, I give up on them.

If you want something, here are just a few helpful hints:
1)Make sure all your eggs are lined in a row
3)Be persistent
4)Be creative: When one angle doesn’t work, try another angle
5)Be disciplined
6)Know when to give up

Make sure all your eggs are lined in a row
I can’t seem to stress this enough: NO ONE WILL DO THINGS FOR YOU. I have a friend who is extremely talented in graphic design, yet he feels like the world owes him everything. Since he is still in school, there are some skills that he still needs to fine tune, yet he does not see that. He thinks that he should be given a job because he has raw talent. So, instead of working on what his weaknesses are, he keeps getting angry that no one will hire him. People want a polished product. So, do a self-inventory of yourself every six months. Ask yourself these questions:
1) What are my strengths?
2) What are my weaknesses?
3) What do I need to do to work on my weaknesses?
Once you have self-evaluated, you can prioritize what needs to be worked on first and so on. This way you have a structure in which you can follow. The preparation for achieving your goal is half the work. Don’t sell it short, or you might end up at square one again.

Go and get it
My father used to give me some great advice, “If you want something….examine what it is and the things you need to get it. Once everything is ready, just go get it, because no one will get it for you.” How true that statement is. Everyone has their own agendas and is looking out for themselves. Occasionally you will find people who are willing to help you, but they want to see that what they’re investing in is the real deal. So make sure that you are the real deal. No one will give you the time of day if you haven’t proven to them that you are a go-getter and are willing to struggle to make things happen. If you want something, go get it. And if people are so inclined to help you, then it is an extra benefit.

Be Persistent
Once you are prepared to go out and achieve your goal…..just do it. But be persistent in doing it. In my early college days I was a tour coordinator for children’s tours. It was a job that seemed interesting, would pay the bills, and be flexible around my classes. When I interviewed for the job and the woman told me that she would call in about a week. I waited that week, but when I hadn’t heard from her, I decided to give her a call. She said that they hadn’t made a decision yet. So, I waited two days and then called again. She told me to call back in a day or two. So, I called late the next day. I was hired over the phone. She then proceeded to tell me that though my resume did not stand out from any of the other candidates, my persistence and passion to have this job was exactly what they were looking for.

Now, there is a difference between being persistent and being annoying. If you are a candidate for a job, you want to show your eagerness without being overzealous about it. So, don’t call every day, but every other day. This allows for you to be in the forefront of people’s minds, which will increase your chances of getting whatever you want or need from them.

Be creative: When one angle doesn’t work, try another angle
Being persistent is one thing, but being persistent while using a plethora of tactics is another. Sometimes one approach to something isn’t enough. You have to try something new and innovative to help you get what you want. Get creative with it and start thinking outside the box. is one of my favorite websites whenever I need to get the creative juices flowing. It helps me realize that there are no limitations on the angles I can approach my goal from. The only limitations are the ones I set and nothing else.

A good thing to keep in mind while looking for angles is how will people benefit from your product? This is particularly true if you’re trying to solicit something from someone. They have their own best interests in mind first, so they want to know how you will help them. A friend of mine used to send postcards to bars that said, “I want to help you sell liquor.” Of course his band got the gig! So, start thinking of ways that others can benefit from you.

Be disciplined
Discipline can be an art form……and it needs to be an art form that you learn to master.
No one is going to keep you motivated but yourself…….so find ways to keep yourself that way. Some people like motivational signs around their desk, some people have their friends and family hounding them….you decide what is right for you.

What you must have is a to-do list. You are a business and your goal is a part of that business. Make a monthly and a daily to-do list that will lay stepping stones towards achieving your goal. If the goal is an extremely large one (like the advancement of your career), then make sure that you also have a yearly timeline. Life is a progression and so is everything within life. So, create a progression for your goal. The more steps you take towards the goal, the more likely you’ll achieve it.

Know when to give up
When do you give up your goal? The answer is never. But if you’re having trouble achieving your goal, depending on what that goal may be, you may have to alter it. Or just take a breather, step back for a while and reevaluate the goal. Is it a feasible goal for you? If not, why? By stepping back you’re allowing yourself to have a more outside perspective on the situation. This outside perspective could help you see where you went wrong or to what stepping stone you need to go back to. Sometimes when we are so involved in something, we are too close to realize that we missed a step. Know yourself and know what you need.


Anything is achievable with the right preparation and the right frame of mind. Through perseverance and self-discipline you can discover that you are closer to your goal than you think. It just takes one step at a time.

Up and Coming Renaissance woman, founder of the National Artistic Effort, social activist, and expert self-promoter, Ja-Nae Duane, is taking the world by gig at a time.
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(c) 2003 by Ja-Nae Duane - All Rights Reserved

About the Author

Up and Coming Renaissance woman, founder of the National Artistic Effort,social activist, and expert self-promoter, Ja-Nae Duane, is taking the worldby gig at a time. Check out: