How To Automatically Lower Your Running Time With Subconscious Mind Power

If you'd like to cut down you time in any distance sport, you've come to the right place. Here you'll learn a simple application of your potent subconscious mind power to reduce your time in the hundred meters, 10,000 meters, or even a marathon.

If you doubt the power of your subconscious mind to increase your sports performance, consider a couple of ideas. Before Bannister broke the four minute mile, it was thought to be impossible. Yet as soon as he did it, many more did as well. Why? Had they discovered a new running or conditioning technique all of a sudden? Did he invent a new shoe? No. He only showed them that it could be done. Once people saw proof that it was possible, they were able to do it as well.

How about this. In the last hundred years, there has been a steady improvement in world records for speed, in every distance. What is the reason? Is it increase in food and supplement technology? Is it an increase in equipment? If that were so, then horse racing would also have seen an increase in track times, as that sport would also benefit from increases in supplement, medical, and equipment technology. But it hasn't. Why?

The thing that has increased in the past hundred years or so is the ability to tap the massive power of the unconscious mind for increasingly spectacular results. Horses simply can't do that. Only people can. And soon, so will you.

The primary objective is to set you target. 100 meters in under twelve seconds? 26.2 miles in under four hours? Ten kilometers in under 35 minutes? Whatever your goal is, pick it and stick to it. Next is to create a set of statements that indicate you have already achieved your goal. Present tense, positively stated. Some example to get you started:

I easily run sub 40 10Ks. I easily finish marathons in 4 hours or less. I routinely run a 100 meters in 12 seconds or less.

As you quietly say them to yourself, visualize, in as much detail as you can, actually achieving your goal. See yourself crossing the finish line, and imagine looking up to see a big clock showing your time. Imagine the announcer saying your name and your time as you cross the finish line. The best time to do this affirmation/visualization exercise is when you are in that deep, drowsy state that comes just before drifting off to sleep.

This is the time when the conscious and the subconscious mind are in close communication. When dreams merge with reality. In the morning as you are still laying in bed (I like to do this in between snoozes on my alarm clock) or at night as you are drifting off to sleep.

The more you practice this, the more you will notice subtle changes in your exercise and eating behavior driven by your powerful subconscious, that will automatically lead you to your goal.