How to avoid being labelled as Average.

When your life is over how will you be graded? Will you get an A or a B or will you get a C Average? Will your time on this earth be rated as average? None of us want to be average. We all want to be successful. We all, deep down, have the desire to achieve something in our lives. So why oh why are you satisfied with being Ms or Mr average? What is it that makes you content being average?
What makes you average?
The inability to say No.
The need to back your life both ways
The need to have another plan just in case.
The need to appear a good guy.
The need to be liked.
The belief that I can’t change.
The belief that I’m too old.
The belief that it’s too difficult.
How do you avoid being labelled as average in the world?
Choose what you want to do with your life at this time and stick with it.

Now. Imagine someone is holding a gun to your head and is demanding that you tell them what you really want to do with your life. What is it that comes out of your mouth? Now ask yourself; what does this mean?
For example: I want to be a good parent....what does this mean? It means that I want to focus all my energies to ensure that my children achieve their potential......Got the idea?
Write it down.
Is this really what you want to do? Are you really committed to doing this?
Because our gangster is still standing over you. If you don't start taking steps towards making that happen, he'll come back. He knows who you are and what you promised, he just wants to see you deliver. He'll be watching.
The two most important steps he's looking for are:
1. Do you have the right thoughts..
Your thoughts are important. Your thoughts can bring you untold success. But they can also destroy you. Doubt is guaranteed to stop you being successful. You must believe in yourself and your ability.
2. Are you taking Action.
Make the effort. If you don’t make effort you are left with the art of dreaming. Dreaming of what might be one day.
Some of the most common excuses we have heard to avoid making effort are:
It’s not the right time.
I was going to but “john” beat me to it
The market place is too full at the moment
The world is not ready for my idea yet
They forecast that there will be a recession this year.
I was thinking of it but they promoted me at work so….
Etc. etc. etc.
Whatever your action needs to be you need to start now. There is never a right time. There is only now. Whatever is past is past and thinking of what has happened can only cause doubt and stop you progressing. You have no idea what the future holds for you so there is no point in trying to second guess what may happen and build plans in case. You only have now. There is never any time but now and there never will be any time but now. Therefore whatever you need to do to start to reach your goals has to be taken now in the job you are in or with the people you are with or in the situation you are in.
It is crucial that your thoughts and actions are fused together.
So just for a moment, sit quietly and meditate on what it is you want to achieve. Allow your thoughts to flow. Don’t edit your thoughts, just let them flow. Keep in your mind your goal and the way forward will gradually become clear to you. The secret to finding the right action is to hold your goal firmly in your mind at all times and ask yourself: What do I need to do now that will help me achieve this goal?
Don’t try to invent or create a way forward. Just stop and think. The way forward is most probably linked to what you are already doing. All you may need to do is look at it with new eyes. Look at your current actions in the light of your focus, your current goal in life.
To avoid being labelled average and have an enjoyable and fulfilling life all you need to do is focus on your goal, keep focussed at all times, believe you will achieve and take the necessary action as and when it presents itself.
Good luck
Graham and Julie.

About the Author

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