How to Communicate with Your Favorite Introvert

Introverts are great listeners, readers and writers. The Internet was invented just for introverts! The only thing they dont do well and this is a big one is verbal communication.

Most introverts dislike talking and even have a violent aversion to small talk. Approach these people respectfully and come to the point as quickly as possible. If you can, let them know a few hours or a day in advance that you would like to talk to them. Don't expect them to answer the phone. That's right. Don't be insulted if you get an answering machine. Introverts are not rude or reclusive, they just hate to be caught unprepared.

Above all else, if the door is closed, don't go in. And don't knock if you can come back some other time. Introverts can be downright violent if they are interrupted. Their speciality is weaving information together in a contemplative and creative manner. If you interrupt this process, you annoy then vexaciously while at the same time aborting the results of this inquiry which might have been to your business and personal advantage.

If you want to get your point across to an introvert, put it in writing even if you have to go out of your way to find an excuse for writing it! Don't expect an immediate response. Give them plenty of time to think about it. If possible, wait until they bring it up themselves even if it takes a week.

Now that eMail exists, take advantage of this opportunity to send emails to your favorite introvert! They will appreciate it more than you can imagine.

If an introvert writes something to you rather than saying it, don't be insulted. This is their preferred means of communicating.

Introverts are excellent listeners. They really take the time to tune in and they aren't just using the spaces as a way to frame their next comment about themselves! Most introverts will not interrupt or rush an answer. Don't assume because they are quiet, that they agree with you. This is a serious error. If it's important, ask them point blank what they are thinking. Then be prepared to wait as long as it takes for an answer (sometimes a day or two). Wait patiently and politely. This is called giving someone else "space".

Good luck getting the best out of the introverts on your personal team, be it business or personal!

About the Author

Nancy R. Fenn has been an astrologer and intuitive consultant in the San Diego for over 25 years. She enjoys working with creatives, intuitives and visionaries to help them discover their mission in life. Nancy's mission in life is to raise consciousness about introversion as a legitimate personality syle. Visit Nancy on the web at