How to create Passion in Your Life

Over the last few weeks we have been looking at passion, what it is, love and hate, and what kills our passion. Well today we will look at how to create passion in our lives. Why? Because those people that love with passion have a far more enjoyable and fulfilling life than those that do not.

The first step to being able to live with passion is to acknowledge your feelings. You need to allow yourself to actually feel and get emotional over what happens in your life, not just close yourself of to everything. That does not mean you need to live with your heart on your sleeve or become angry over the smallest things. It means that you are allowed to laugh at what you find funny, cry at the sad moments of a film, tell those around you that you love and miss them, and take a stand on issues that you believe need to be dealt with.

Another way to create passion back into your life is to let go of the false facade that you have created about yourself in your life. Stop pretending to be to highly sophisticate person and allow that inner child to shine through. You can