How to Cut Through the Hype

Have you seen any headlines like these lately? :

10 Trillion Double Opt-In leads for $69.99! Earn Massive Automated Income, Just By Feeding Your Cat!! Joe Guru Shows You How!

Chances are you’ve seen more of those hyped up offers than you care to think about, especially if you are new to the world of online marketing.

Many of us are born with an innate "B.S." alarm that sends us running the other way from these scams. Yet, there are some very clever salespeople on the Internet who manage to cloak their losing propositions well enough to lure in the newbie marketer. Sometimes we’re just lured in by pure curiosity.

So, how do you sort the diamonds from the coal? What is the best way to protect yourself and your pocketbook, but still find the information you need?

Tip #1: Value Long Term Success over Short Term Gain

The idea of a speedy path to riches allures each of us. It’s a natural human impulse to seek instant gratification. Sometimes the promise of overnight wealth is all the more poignant when we’re stuck in jobs we don’t enjoy, or have mounting debts from which we yearn to escape.

Unfortunately, the Internet is not a lottery (despite what you may have heard). Even those with stories of apparent overnight wealth had to invest time, money and know-how in order to reap their reward.

Seek out those products which teach you how build a business from the ground up, nurture it and expand it. That is the true road to wealth.

Tip #2: Be Aware of Where You Are In Your Business Development

When you understand your strengths and your limitations, you make informed choices. Sometimes a great product comes along for which you simply aren’t ready. If you’re strong on traffic building skills, but weak on writing copy, invest in learning how to write good copy or in hiring a talented copywriter. This will rocket you ahead much more quickly than spending another dime on “guaranteed traffic” techniques.

Likewise, invest in an education on general business and marketing principles if you’re starting from scratch. You need to understand the mindset of the entrepreneur before you begin working the “details” like building your opt-in list. Remember, you could have thousands of potential customers join your list or visit your web site, but it will make no difference if your business model is directionless and your sales skills ineffective!

Tip #3: Use Old Fashioned Common Sense

One of the amazing skills shared by expert copywriters is the ability to make the obvious sound like a closely guarded nuclear secret. There really are no secrets when it comes to online success, merely degrees of awareness.

Evaluate each product that attracts you with this in mind. Ask yourself whether the sales pitch is forthcoming about the subject matter. What area of expertise are you lacking in and will this product address that deficit? If the most you can glean from the product is that it’s packed full of “stunning things we can’t even give you a hint about”, you’re probably better off passing it by.

Finally, keep your eyes open for high-quality and free sources of information. This can include newsletters, articles online and message boards. You can, in fact, arm yourself with a wealth of information just by networking and asking questions. You won’t have to spend a dime this way; and, you’ll know where to spend it when the time is right.

About the Author

John Calder is the owner/editor of The Ezine Dot Net. Subscribe Today and get real information YOU can use to help build your online business today! http://www.TheEzine.Net

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