How To Generate Charisma With Conversational Hypnosis

This particular pattern comes from Dr. Milton Erickson, one of the most effective hypnotists that ever lived. He is credited with coming up with the model for conversational hypnosis that he used in therapy to help thousands of people overcome emotional and psychological problems.

This particular language pattern is called the "Open Ended Suggestion" pattern. It is open ended in a couple of ways, both which have a great effect on the listener, and on your conversation. This can also be used in writing in case you want to write a really persuasive sales letter.

An open ended suggestion is a suggestion about something good that is possible in the future. It is open ended in that it doesn't state the limits of what's possible, nor does it put any limits on how soon it can be achieved or even how it can be achieved.

For example, saying, "You can make a lot of money," is an open ended suggestion. No limit on how much money, no limit on when this money can be made, no limit on exactly how to make the money. All you are really hinting at is that it is possible, in some shape or form, for your listener to make a lot of money.

A couple of really interesting and useful things will begin to happen at this point. One, because it is something that sounds good about the future, the listener will start to fantasize what it would be like to make a lot of money. Second, since you aren't putting an actual dollar figure label on your statement, it wont go against whatever they think is a lot of money. Third, since you aren't saying how they can make a lot of money, you aren't contradicting whatever method they happen to be thinking about.

In a sense, you are only giving the basic direction, and their mind will go and fill in the blanks. You are giving them a suggestion, and their subconscious will fill in the blanks. Because those blanks are filled in by them, it will be the most real money making fantasy they can think of, and they will start to feel really good.

If you happen to be selling a product on how to make money, give them a few moments to really get into their quick subconscious fantasy, and then start talking about your product. They will immediately start to link up their own good feelings with your product.

Or if you like, simply throw in a few of these open ended suggestions every so often into the conversation, making sure they are in the same theme of the conversation, and then let them grow in your listeners mind. Fairly quickly they will begin to associate all their positive feeling with you. And that is some good stuff.