How To Get Past a Weight Loss Plateau

How To Get Past a Weight Loss Plateau

 by: Jason Barger

Everyone who has ever been on a diet has hit a plateau at some point. It is that point where no matter what you do, you cannot seem to lose any weight. I myself have hit many of these and I am going to give you a few ways to blast through your weight loss plateau.

Depending on what type of weight loss plan you are on and how much weight loss you have attained already, these factors can play a significant role in halting your weight loss. You just need to see this as a maintenance point and keep charging ahead, while waiting to achieve your goals.

The first thing to consider is that you may be getting close to your ideal weight. I myself quit losing weight once I got down to 175 pounds. It seemed I could indulge a little bit and still stay at this weight. Now, it seems harder to put weight on then keep it off. But, I still need to stay on top of this because I know how quickly I can slip back into my old eating habits.

So if you aren’t already at your ideal weight I am going to give you a few suggestions that may be able to help you break through this barrier. The main thing is to stick to your plan. This happens to everybody and you will get through this plateau.

Mix up your program:

By this I mean you may want to switch things around a bit. You may even want to modify your program. If you have been eating all protein, then you could try switching to salads or all vegetables for a couple days. You could even try switching to all carbohydrates for a few days. If you have been eating all carbs, then maybe switch to all protein for a while. You get the point, try to shake things up a bit and see if this helps or hurts.

Eat Healthier:

If you have been losing weight but not eating very healthfully, then maybe you should try to nourish you body. If you haven’t been eating many calories or eating little or no vegetables, maybe try to get your body some extra nutrients. Try eating healthy foods and fats for a while. Your body may be missing something and this might be just the thing to get your through your plateau.

Start Exercising:

If you haven’t already started an exercise regimen, then you should start. This can boost your weight loss immediately. Exercise and its benefits can range from losing weight to giving you a healthier heart. There are too many reasons not to exercise. If you have reached a plateau in your weight loss, then now is the best time to start exercising. Just get outside and walk for 20 minutes a day. If you can run then run. If you can only walk, then walk. I guarantee you that this will help you break through your plateau.

Go out and eat:

This also could be a good time to just go out and eat whatever you want. This can help you forget about dieting and weight loss for a while and just enjoy yourself. One care free day of eating is not going to sabotage your whole plan. Just eat whatever you want and forget about calories, carbs and fat for a day. This may be just what your mind and body need to get back on track and help you achieve success.

Ok, these are a few of the things I used in the past to get through a weight loss plateau. I am sure they will help you as they have helped me. My main philosophy is to try and maintain your happiness while losing weight. If it is causing you stress by worrying so much about everything, then slow down. You don’t have to lose every pound this week or this month for that matter.

Think of it this way. The longer you take to lose the weight, the less chance you have of putting it back on. I have lost large amounts of weight very quickly in the past. I always seemed to gain the weight back just as quick when I did things this way.

Just remember to eat, drink and be merry. If you do things right you can be happy, healthy and at the perfect weight. Without sacrificing the things you love.

Good luck!