How To Prepare Yourself Mentally For Success

How To Prepare Yourself Mentally For Success

 by: Dean Phillips

Okay, so you've finally made that big decision to start your own business. Now what?

Well, not to discount the importance of getting all of your ducks in a row, regarding permits, licenses, financing, etc., the very first thing I recommend is a complete re- programming of your mind. Because, before you can start walking down that road to success, you first have to get your mind right.

In that regard, there are two books I consider absolute MUST reads, if you are at all serious about being successful in whatever it is you choose to do.

The books are, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill and "The Magic of Thinking Big" by Dr. David Schwartz.

Your local bookstore should have both books, since they're all-time classics. If not, try But whatever you do, make the investment in yourself and get those books!

I've owned both books for about 25 years and I swear there's still something magical about them. No matter what negativity happens to be going on in your life, those two books will make you feel like everything is going to be alright.

By the way, when you get those books, don't just read them and forget about them. Keep them nearby and refer to them on a daily basis. This is critical, as far as keeping you focused and on the right track.

So, why is it so important to prepare yourself mentally for success? Because quite frankly, you're bound to experience some extremely difficult times with your business. We all do. That's just the way it is. Success rarely comes easy and despite some of the so-called overnight success stories you occasionally hear about, out-of-the-box successes are actually few and far between.

Another thing, if you're married or living with someone, don't expect a whole lot of support or kisses and hugs, during those inevitable tough times.

Unfortunately, most people are conditioned to the "9 to 5, retire at 65," way of thinking. Many of them dream about starting their own business, but just can't seem to find the courage to do so.

Instead, they'll observe you with a critical eye, secretly hoping you fail, so that they can justify their own fears and insecurities about being entrepreneurs.

So, if you're expecting support and encouragement from your family and friends, you're probably going to be disappointed. I don't mean to be a wet blanket but, that's just the way it is. Most likely, you'll probably hear a bunch of negativity and comments about getting a real job.

That's the point when you're going to have to look deep inside yourself and stay strong and focused. Because chances are, you're going to be going through this alone. That's why the mind re-programming is so important. It'll help you stay focused and positive. And if by chance you do happen to have family and friends who do support you, so much the better!