I Want Success! What Does That Mean To You

Ok, you say you want success, right? What does that mean? What is it you want?

Defining exactly what you want is the first step to manifesting it in your life.

If you could become anything you wanted, or succeed at anything you wanted in life, what would it be?

This first step is not a time to be "sensible." Ask yourself, "If money, relationships, time, etc. were not an issue, what would I be doing?"

Don't just talk to yourself in your head...write it down!

Write the question down on a sheet of paper, then just let your mind go wild with all the possibilites you've dreamed of for yourself over the years.

Don't worry about HOW these possibilities may come to be. Just write until you get a sense that you're onto something.

Nothing comes to mind? Jot down how you're feeling. Start off by writing, "I don't know what to write," "I need more coffee," I really wish someone would just tell me what I want," whatever, just get your pen moving!

Your subconscious will kick in and start letting you know what it is you REALLY do want.

If you're anything like me, once I read over what I've written that little inner critic of mine gets to going and asks me stuff like, "Are you nuts? How are YOU ever going to accomplish that?" or "What makes you think YOU have what it takes?"

She can be a tad nasty at times, that little critic of mine.

Whenever your inner critic tries to tear down your efforts of becoming more of who you truly are, remember the words of Marianne Williamson as spoken by Nelson Mandela in his inaugural speech, "Your playing small does not serve the world...Who are YOU not to be great?"


About the Author

Maureen Oliver is a Reiki Master/Teacher and student of success principles. For more information on using affirmations and success quotes to improve your chances of living a fulfilling and prosperous life visit: www.affirmations-for-success.com