I Want To Know

I Want To Know, by: Rich Brunelle

Doesn't it irritate you to know that it cost taxpayers millions of dollars prosecuting the likes of O.J. Simpson, Robert Blake, and many more? What irritates me more is the realization that we paid millions of dollars, and still do not know the truth. I want to know the TRUTH.

Did the Petersen kid really kill his wife and unborn child? What did President Bill Clinton do with that damn cigar? Who killed President Kennedy? Was Saddam Hussein supporting Bin Laden financially? And, I can go on-and-on asking similar questions. Don't you want to know? I do!

I might even want to know why the perpetrator of some of these acts did so. But most of all, I want the truth. And, the top of the irritation pile... Is the probability that we may never know. But, what if there was a way to get the information? Anybody got an idea how? I might have a solution.

What if any one of these people could sell their story to news media with a legal stipulation that the information not be disclosed until after the person’s death? I mean, why not? Face it, all of these people would love to write a book. Most of them would like to add to their fame. And, since it would probably be their last good paying gig, why not?

But then there's the problem of the story being leaked by the person in the news media who gets the information. Uh-Oh! Not only him but his boss also. We could kill them both... What? Are you stupid? Who are you going to sell your story to? You cannot kill them! Okay, change of plans.

How about, some rich eccentric individual buying the stories. Nope, won't work. CIA, FBI, or some Crime Boss would get that data the day after it was written down. How about somebody form a clandestine organization swearing all of its members to secrecy...

Well, I thought I had a solution. I even considered building a True Confessions Web Site, but changed my mind. More people would be trying to hack in than the system could handle and it would burn the database to the ground. Like I said, I thought I had a solution.

Oh well, back to the old police tactic of beating the truth out of them. Oh yeah, that didn't work either. I guess I failed to come up with a solution. How about you? Do you have the solution? If you think you do, visit my web site and tell me about it. Just go to http://djam-promo.com and select "FORUMS" and look for the title of this article in the "General B.S." Section.

About the Author

Richard Brunelle suffers from some strange "brain-fart" ailment that causes him to allow his mind wander far enough to dwell on the ridiculous, long enough to ask such stupid questions. Please direct all questions and comments to the aforementioned Forum at http://djam-promo.com.