If I Don't Have Anything on My Calendar, I'll Look for a Job!

If I Don't Have Anything on My Calendar, I'll Look for a Job!

 by: Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.

I actually had someone say that to me today as I was in a thrift store. She is one of the employees and has been cut to two days a week of employment.

I invited her to a job seekers workshop that will presented, free, this coming week at a public agency. The comment, above, WAS her response.

I didn't know what to say next. I offered to drive her home after the workshop. She has no car. Again, there was no response to my offer.

I've had others respond to job seeking in- formation in a similar manner. What is it that makes people pass up opportunities to be helped in a job search?

Here are some of my ideas.

  1. The person wants to go it alone.

  2. A message may not be heard.

  3. People make more problems for themselves than they already have

  4. The job search is not a real priority.

  5. Personal embarrassment may have the person blocked from listening.

  6. No goals.

Job searching is often a lonely business. I think a job seeker NEEDS and has to use as many resources as possible to find work. I know I would and have!