Increase Your IQ Right Now

You can increase your IQ (intelligence quotient) in the next
ten minutes. There are many brain power exercises and
techniques designed to help you long-term, but what if you
need a quick brain fix right now? What if there is an
important meeting coming up, or a crucial test, or just a
chess game you don't want to lose? Can you really boost your
IQ quickly? If what you want is results, and not an argument
about the definition of intelligence, the answer is
absolutely yes.Try some of the following.

Breath To Increase IQ

Breath deep. This is one of the easiest and most effective
ways to improve the functioning of your brain immediately.
By breathing deeply we relax and put more oxygen in
the blood (therefore in the brain), both of which help.
Relaxation has been proven to improve brain function. Low
oxygen levels in the blood have been shown to decrease it.
Since most of us are in the habit of breathing too
shallowly, this is a quick way to increase IQ. By the way,
if you breath through your nose, you are more likely to
breath deeply.

Meditating also helps, primarily because of the deep
breating aspect. The state of mind achieved through a simple
breath-watching meditation allows true relaxation, and is
conducive to creative problem solving. Just close your eyes
and breath through your nose, deeply at first, then in
whatever way is comfortable. As thoughts arise, dismiss them
and return your attention to your breath. Do this for at
least a few minutes.

Move Your Body To Increase IQ

Sit up straight, and close your mouth. Good posture affects
our state of mind, and helps us to think more clearly. Try
an experiment to prove this to yourself. Do math problems in
your head; first while slouching, with your mouth open; then
while sitting up straight with your lips together. You'll
get the point.

Exercise a little. Physical activity-just enough to get the
blood pumping-can "wake up" your brain enough to help you
think better. Walking seems to work best, but any aerobic
activity can help increase your IQ.

Sleep well. You knew this one, right? Just remember, the
evidence shows us that the quality of sleep is very
important, not just the quantity.

What You Eat Can Increase Or Decrease your IQ

Consume ginkgo biloba. Whether in capsules or tea or off a
neighbors tree, ginkgo leaves have been shown to increase
blood flow to the brain, helping memory and concentration.
The effect is quick, and doesn't seem to diminish with
regular use.

Drink coffee. Everything from test scores on college exams
to chess games have been shown to improve after a cup of
coffee or other drink containing caffeine. It is a temporary
effect, however, and caffeine may have adverse long-term
effects for regular users.

Avoid Sugar. Actually any simple carbohydrates taken in
large quantities can give you that sluggish feeling that
makes it difficult to think. This is due to the insulin that
is dumped into your veins after the sugar is. Don't eat
white flour, sugar, potatoes, and other carbs before an
important meeting.

Results - Not Definitions

Let the "experts" argue about whether you can increase IQ or
not, in any absolute sense. We know the tests measure your
IQ at a moment in time, and you know that there are times
when you would score higher or lower. What you want is a
real improvement in brain function. If you slept well,
exercised, drank coffee and ginkgo tea, then sat up straight
and breathed deeply as you took the test, don't you think
you would score a few points higher on an intelligence
quotient test? More importantly, wouldn't you be better
prepared for whatever mental tasks you faced.?

About the Author

Steve Gillman has been studying brain improvement, creative problem solving and related topics for years. Some of what he has discovered can be found on his website: