Intentions, Hard Work, and Luck

My son often says, "The harder I work, the luckier I get."
Since that phrase popped into my head early this morning, I
took it as my inspiration for the week and got to thinking
about luck.

What is luck? Is it good fortune that comes out of the blue,
totally unexpected? Or is it the Universe sending what we’ve
signaled we desire? I think the latter. My son’s phrase
doesn’t mean that just working intensely brings good
fortune. It means that working intently, with passion,
toward desired end results will bring those results to us.

The key word is passion. It is the depth of our emotion
about our desires, and our ability to visualize the result,
that sends the strongest signal to the Universethe signal
most likely to trigger the events some would call luck. But
how do you create the passion? Passion comes naturally and
effortlessly when your intentions align with and complement
who you really are.

For example, if you are a creative, imaginative, and
spontaneous person, it is not likely that you will generate
passion around a job which is detail oriented and routine.
If you happen to be in this job, and hold a goal of
excelling at that job, you will likely find that luck avoids
you no matter how hard you work. Oh, you may do OK at this
work, but it is unlikely that you will see what some would
call good luck in the job. In fact, bad luck may seem to
follow you, sabotaging your career at every turn. You see,
the Universe knows who you are at your core, and sends you
what is right for you, even if it seems to oppose what you
think you desire.

So it is extremely important that you understand yourself
the real you. Not the you constructed by others based on
their views of success, but the you at your core—the you
that calls in your dreams. You know who that is, even while
you try to hide from it. You have glimpses of who you really
areand these glimpses thrill you. Perhaps your mind is
used to taking over at this point, frightening you with all
the reasons you can’t be that person your soul is calling
for. If that’s where your thoughts take youto a paralyzing
fearthink again. Think another thought!

If your favorite saying is, "If it weren’t for bad luck I’d
have no luck at all," spend some time in quiet meditation
reflecting on who you really are. Consider where your
passions lie. Recall your periods of great excitement,
energy, and joy. During those times you are being who you
really are. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to live every day that
way? And wouldn’t it be great to have luck on your side? It
can be.

About the Author

Copywrite 2003, all rights reserved. Jerry Lopper is an
author, personal coach, and consultant. His workshops,
ebooks, articles, and coaching are available through where you can sign up for
complimentary articles and coaching. Get to know yourself,
your real self through the Purpose in Life Workshop. For
more information go to