Is There Any Way Out Of This Mess

Neale Donald Walsch - Is there any way out of this mess?

From Conversations with God, Book 2, pgs. 173-171-172,174:

"Yes, Shall I say it again? A shift of consciousness.

You cannot solve the problems which plague humankind through governmental action or by political means. You have been trying that for thousands of years.

The change that must be made can be made only in the hearts of men...

You must stop seeing God as separate from you, and you as separate from each other. The only solution is the Ultimate Truth; nothing exists in the Universe that is separate from anything else. Everything is intrinsically connected, irrevocably interdependent, interactive, interwoven into the fabric of all life.

All government, all politics, must be based on this truth. All laws must be rooted in it...consciousness is everything. Of what are you aware? What do you know? I have told you before: all attack is a call for help.

No one truly desires to hurt another. Those who do it-including your own governments, by the way-do it out of a misplaced idea that it is the only way to get something they want...

In terms of geopolitics, why not work together as a world to meet the most basic needs of everyone? Indeed, a global consciousness is what is required.

Yet, how will that come about? Somebody has to start.

The opportunity is here for you.

You can be the source of the New Consciousness

You can be the inspiration.

Indeed, you must be...

Who else is there?"

About the Author

Neale Donald Walsch

•Best selling author of the Conversation With God Series.
•Modern day spiritual messenger.

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