Is this sensible

In his book "Prosperity," Charles Fillmore writes:

The sensing mind is filled with lacks and limitations; the spiritual mind knows only limitless abundance.

When I read this sentence, the word that struck me was “sensing.” I had to think about why that word caught my attention so sharply. Was it because we don’t often use the phrase “sensing mind”? No, that didn’t seem to be the reason. Then it dawned on me. “Sensing” sounded a lot like “sensible”! It’s not just our “sensing,” physical-world minds, but our “sensible” minds that are filled with lacks and limitations!

Did anyone ever tell you to “be reasonable”? What did that mean? It meant “don’t expect too much.” Or “don’t reach so high.” Or “don’t be such a dreamer.” But haven’t you noticed that the truly great things happen when we’re unreasonable?

Our senses limit us to what they perceive. What we can’t hear, touch, feel, see, taste, we don’t comprehend; it doesn’t seem “sensible” to us. But that limits us, our aspirations, our lives, to what we know.

If we want to reach higher, we have to access part of ourselves that goes beyond the sensible. Our experiences are so limited compared to the vastness of the universe, and the Universal Mind. It’s almost arrogant to believe that we are capable of defining what’s possible. And it’s certainly counter-productive for most of us. It will only be when we let go of those sensible, reasonable boundaries that we allow to define us and our potential that we can become what we’re intended to become, live the way we’re intended to live.

It won’t be comfortable at first. Change never is. But “comfortable” can only keep us where we are now. Here’s a homework assignment: This week, pick something “unreasonable” that you know would get you closer to one of your most important goals. And do it. Don’t try to do it, just do it. Maybe it’s getting up early to exercise. Or doing something out of the ordinary for a loved one. Or calling a potential new customer. Whatever it is, taking that step will let the Universe know that you’re serious about your goal. And until it knows that, it can’t help you achieve it.

Makes sense, doesn’t it?

About the Author

Debbie O'Meara is the owner of Lightrae Publishing, your source for abundance and prosperity resources around the Web. Visit for Charles Fillmore's book Prosperity, as well as Lightrae's free newsletter and free ebook.
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