It's A Date!

Ok, you've found someone online that you really like and they like you too. You'd like to meet what?

One of the best and worst things about singles meeting via the Internet is the return of old-fashioned first dates - with the added concern of personal safety when meeting a virtual stranger. Picking a place to meet, an activity to share, things to talk about - it can seem a bit overwhelming especially when you really want to make a good impression.

Here are some unique first date ideas that will keep you out of the "dinner and a movie rut" and set your first date apart from the rest:

A Picnic In The Park
Eliminate the pressure of a Saturday night date by enjoying the relaxed atmosphere of a public park on a Sunday afternoon. Pack a basket of "finger foods" like cheese, fruit, crackers and chocolates and a chilled bottle of sparkling cider. For that extra special touch include china plates, crystal glasses and cloth napkins. The two of you can search out the perfect spot beneath a shade tree to enjoy your picnic, do some people watching and get to know each other.

Root For The Home Team
Sporting events are a great place to have a great time and provide a fun and relaxed atmosphere for a first date. No matter what the season, there's always something going on in the world of sports and if the cost of tickets to a professional game isn't in your budget high school, college and minor league games are just as much fun.

Window Shopping
You can stroll for hours in a shopping mall or a city's shopping district stopping here and there for a cup of coffee or an ice cream cone. And if you get tired of just looking in the windows, there's always browsing through the racks at a music store, trying on hats and wasting a few quarters in a video arcade.

Be Tourists For A Day
Most of us live near attractions that people travel miles to see and we've never taken the time to visit them ourselves. Historical monuments, zoos and state parks are just a few of the possibilities and great places to meet. These attractions offer plenty of things to talk about in case of a lull in the conversation and you can even pick up a souvenier of a memorable first date.

Visit A Museum
Art, Natural History, Model Trains, pick a subject and chances are there's a museum dedicated to it. If you and your date have a common interest (or both of you want to see something new), visit a museum together and enjoy the exhibits. Many museums also offer special shows, presentations and lectures that can provide a unique first date experience.

Go Fly A Kite
It's just as much fun as you remember it was when you were a kid and if you pick a good windy place like the beach or lakefront, it can be an adventure for you and your date to share. Whether store-bought, homemade or assembled from a kit, kite flying is a great way to spend an afternoon together.

A Bit Of The Grape
Wine tastings are hosted in almost every geographic area and can be a fun (and decidedly upscale) first date experience. You can find updated calendars of these events for your city (complete with cost information) at

About the Author

Carole is the owner of The Virtual Playground For Singles ( an interactive online community providing just-for-singles resources since 1996.