Years ago, I attended a seminar about goal-setting that
I've never forgotten. The leader of the workshop presented
the participants with tried-and-true steps to reaching
every one of our goals. At the time, I thought "It can't
be this easy... can it?"

Well, the simple steps I learned then are still working for
me today, and I'd like to share them with you. Whether your
goal is to lose ten pounds, or to retire ten years early,
these basic principles can be applied to almost any life
situation or challenge.

The first thing to do is to define the goal in specific,
measurable terms - and write it down. This helps you to
clarify what your goal really is, and gives it some life.

So, for example, instead of just saying, "I'd like to retire
early,' your goal should be stated as "I'd like to retire no
later than the year 2004." When the leader of that workshop
talked about this step, she said, "Having it written down
allows you to stay focused, and to keep your eye on the

The next thing to do with a goal is to 'make molehills out
of mountains.' In other words, break the goal down into more
manageable segments - either by time frame, or some other
measurable unit. For example, if your goal is to lose twenty
pounds, you would 'make molehills out of mountains' by
declaring that you will lose four pounds per month.

And keep your eye on the prize.

Now that you have a measurable goal down on paper, and
you've broken it down into manageable parts, you need to
look at all the obstacles that are stopping you - or have
stopped you in the past - from reaching it. Write them down.

Then, for each obstacle you define, figure out what
resources are available to you to get over, or past, or
through, that barrier. Negative self-talk in your way?

Create affirmations you can use, daily, to counter-act it. A
well-meaning friend or relative tries to stop you? Make a
list of all the folks you know who support you! For every
obstacle, there is a solution. Find yours, record them - and
keep your eye on the prize.

Finally, you need to determine ways that you will reward
yourself. And don't wait until you get over the mountain -
build in a suitable reward for each way-point, each time
you push past an obstacle on the way to your goal.

All of these steps WILL move you closer to reaching your
goal if you follow them. What's stopping you now?

Is your eye on the prize?

About the Author

Greg Slavens follows his own advice,
and can be contacted through his website at