Know your Mission

Know your Mission

 by: Clyde Dennis

One passage states "If you want to defeat them, distract them." Another reads "divide and conquer."

In the game of life there is a constant battle raging within and all around you for your attention. It’s like two opposing teams wanting to occupy the same spot on the playing field. That playing field being you. Each team is wanting to control where you go, what you do, who you do it with, etc. It is ultimately the unspoken goal of each of these teams to determine what you accomplish in your lifetime. This battle is definitely a detractor from your inner peace.

The only hope you have of gaining the upper hand in this struggle is to develop and establish your own agenda. To get it clearly defined and engraved in your own mind where you’re going, and what you’re going to accomplish. If you don’t you’ll no doubt be easily pulled off course or otherwise distracted as those warriors, both internal and external push and pull you to their idea of where you should be. Those who have an agenda are very clearly more efficient in their actions. They know what their mission is from day to day, month to month because it does not change with the coming of any new season. They are not easily distracted.

We are reminded daily in the news of the pit falls that people and organizations run into because of being distracted in one way or another. Businesses that have established themselves through the years as being the best at whatever they’re the best all of a sudden deciding, to try a different branch of business. And of course, the list of examples of personal distractions that lead to disaster is endless.

The phrase stick to the knitting comes to mind. Just because you can do something doesn’t necessarily mean you should. When new opportunities come along we must evaluate how they relate to the successful completion of the mission. This implies that you:

Have a mission, and

Are committed to the completion of this mission.

Getting clear in your mind where you’re going and what you need to do to get there makes life simpler. More enjoyable. You’ll act with more certainty and decision making is a breeze. Because you know where you’re going it’s just plain more fun.

But first – You have to know what your Mission is.

And so the question for the week: What’s your mission? The fact that you're reading this tells me you're on your way somewhere. Where are you on your way to?

Just wondering. Thanks for tuning in.

Live some. Love some. Learn some. Everyday.
