Kwai Valor

Kwai Valor

Terry Dashner……………………..Faith Fellowship Church, PO Box 1586 Broken Arrow, OK 74013

At the end of each day the tools were collected from the work party. On one occasion a Japanese guard shouted that a shovel was missing and demanded to know which man had taken it. He began to rant and rave, working himself up into a paranoid fury and ordered whoever was guilty to step forward. No one moved. “All die! All die!” he shouted, cocking and aiming his rifle at the prisoners. At that moment one man stepped forward and the guard clubbed him to death with his rifle while he stood silently at attention. When they returned to the camp, the tools were counted again and no shovel was missing.

Is this story fictitious? No, it isn’t. As a matter of fact the paragraph above is taken word for word from Ernest Gordon’s book entitled, Miracle on the River Kwai. Gordon witnessed this event as a POW working on the Burma Railway during World War II.

Does this story stir you in any way? It does me. No, it’s not the eloquent writing or the cadence in rhythm that moves me. It’s not the punctuation or the strong verbs chosen by the author. But, nevertheless, it moves me to awe. I’m in awe over the nameless man who stepped up to bear for all the false blame. His uncommon valor captivates my senses momentarily.

This begs the question: Why do some stories move us to ponder while others bore us to tears? I believe it is because something deep inside of every person cries out, “Who can step up to help me?” I believe there is a deep hole in every living person that can only be filled up by the One who created and wants to help us. When I read a story such as Gordon’s, I see the incomprehensible love of God for His pitiful creature—me.

I stand in amazement at Jesus the Nazarene, so goes the old holiness hymn of my youth. You and I were made to ponder the great love of our God. In pondering we are broken. In contrition we are by His hands lifted. Being lifted we are helped to deliverance. He has delivered my soul from fear of abandonment. Jesus has come to me and helped me. Therefore I am satisfied. Yes, I am satisfied with Jesus—how about you? Pastor T.

About the Author

Pastors a small church in Broken Arrow, OK. Writes daily devotions for his congregation.