Lamp and Lighting Facts

A- Thomas Edison did not invent the light bulb.
  He bought the patent and improved it.
B- 3 way light bulbs work like this:
    1st click - The smaller filament is turned on alone creating the lower light level.

2nd click - The larger filament is turned on alone (and the smaller off) creating the higher light level.

3rd click - Both filaments are turned on creating the highest light level.
C- 3 way light bulbs burn out faster because:
    Alternating cooling/heating of the two metal filaments shortens their lifespan.
D- Watts is not a measurement of light output. It is the electricity usage.
E- Lumens is the measurement of brightness or light output.
F- 2 way lamp has two separate bulbs with 2 levels of light.
    (Hoyle Fine Lamps have optional hi-lo in-line switch that provides 2 levels of light

from just a single ordinary bulb.)
G- 3 way lamp has a 2 circuit socket and bulb that provides 3 levels of light (B above).
H- 6 way lamp has a combination of 3 way lighting (G above) and 3 additional bulbs
    which are controlled by a 2 circuit switch: 1 bulb on, 2 bulbs on, 3 bulbs on, then off.
 I- Lamp Finial is the very top cap piece that sits on top of the shade.
J- Lamp Harp is the "U" shaped wire piece that holds the shade onto the lamp. 
K- Lamp Harp size must be matched with the shade size for a proper fit.
L- Lamp Shades are measured: top diameter, bottom diameter, side length along with a description of the shape.

About the Author

In 1979 Jim Hoyle began selling lamps, home accessories and furniture to retail stores as a sales rep traveling the beautiful states of North and South Carolina. Now the company ships lamps and home decor worldwide.