Law Of Attraction Relationships: Live A Perfect Experience Part Two

In the first section of the 2 piece series, we examined what experience life unconditionally means. Life lived without conditions only means that not one thing has to be changed, newer or strengthened for you to experience a supremely fulfilling, happy life. This is a radical concept for quite a few people. The Law of Attraction is a powerful tool for positive realization for your life.

One important key is to understand what you want without honing in on the lack of having it.

How Do You Feel Towards What You Want Without Focusing On The Lack Of It?

You probably notice that which is wanted in a place of lacking. Otherwise you would not even want it, you would have it. So focus on briefly what you want and instantly start to experience and visualize what it WILL be like WHEN it arrives. Let loose more, stimulate your child innocence and imagination and imagine it into existence. Empowering yourself with the Law of Attraction is hugely powerful for Relationship Attraction, and is not difficult to grasp.

Cut To The Point

Get in the feel mode, the state of already HAVING it. Ponder and learn to understand what the ESSENCE of the feeling of already having that thing, situation or relationship come into being. Be it. Ooze it. Swim in it. Not only will you be a powerful broadcaster of the joyful fulfillment of your desires, you'll also be the magnetic ATTRACTOR and ALLOWING them, too! That is how I manifested the love of my dreams.

Humans Do Not Create Abundance

"We don't forge abundance. Abundance is always present. We create limitation. We are the Source of abundance. We are the creators of everything we experience. The ultimate tool is Appreciation." - Arnold Patent

As soon as you halt resistant energy and begin appreciating, you find a space, you create a void for your wants to show up. They have always been right here - the love, the abundant nature of all things, the freedom. You were holding them back by thinking "why aren't they here", "more money's going out than arriving", "he won't clean his room." These thoughts are your order to the Universe for more of the same. If you do not want that, STOP IT! If you need the support of a Law of Attraction Coach, by all means get support! Using an independent listener to check in with can help you move off old patterns much faster.

Begin appreciating the perfection of all things, your life, this process, your living, your finances, your kids. The Ultimate tool is Appreciation.

Imagine the word that's the antonym of Appreciation - it is depreciation. If like begets like, that which you place your appreciation on grows. It appreciates. What you focus your depreciation on expands in depreciation. It declines.

Try it out. Prove me (and the Universe) wrong. And let me know how it is working.