Let Your Intuition Guide You to Prioritise

As humans, we often overlook our intuition when it comes to making decisions, whether it be in our personal or professional lives. We tend to rely on external information such as facts and figures, opinions of others, or trends in society, to guide our decision-making process. While it is important to consider external information, it is equally crucial to trust our gut instincts and let our intuition guide us in prioritising our tasks or goals.

Intuition is defined as the ability to understand or know something without consciously reasoning or being taught it. It is a feeling of certainty or understanding that we experience without evidence or logical explanation. This innate sense is associated with our subconscious mind and can help us make decisions that are in line with our deepest desires and instincts.

Here are some key reasons why you should let your intuition guide you to prioritise:

1. Access your inner wisdom:

Intuition is a powerful tool that allows you to access your inner wisdom. It helps you to tap into your subconscious mind and bring out valuable insights that may not be clear through conscious thinking. When you prioritise tasks or goals based on your intuition, you empower yourself to make decisions that truly align with your values and goals. You can trust yourself to know what is best for you, without being swayed by external factors.

2. Avoid analysis paralysis:

We often fall into the trap of over-analysing information, which can lead to feeling overwhelmed and unable to make decisions. It is essential to remember that intuition is not necessarily an alternative to rational thinking, but rather a complement. By choosing to rely on your intuition, you can break free from the analysis paralysis cycle and make decisions with more clarity and confidence.

3. Prioritise what truly matters:

It is natural to be Bombarded with tasks and objectives to meet, often leaving us feeling confused and swayed from what truly matters. By tapping into your intuition, you can distinguish between tasks that are urgent, important or merely distractions. You can also Get to the core essence of each task, identifying what feels most aligned with your goals and values.

4. Improve decision-making:

Intuition plays a significant role in improving decision-making skills. It can be especially helpful when making quick decisions under pressure or when dealing with incomplete information. Intuition helps you to rely on your instincts, which are based on your past experiences, emotions, and memories. It's an essential factor in providing valuable insight to support logical reasoning as it leads to more efficient analysis of decisions.

5. Build self-trust:

By relying on your intuition and making decisions based on it, you build self-trust and confidence. Your intuition is unique to you, and the more you rely on it, the more you become aware of your inner voice, leading you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself. With self-trust, you empower yourself to believe in your abilities, and by association, your capabilities to make the right decisions, improve performance, and growth.

6. Remain authentic:

Prioritising tasks or goals based on your intuition helps you remain authentic to yourself. When you tune into your inner knowing, you are less likely to be swayed by external pressures or societal expectations. You make decisions based on what feels most aligned with your authentic self, values, and goals.

Ways to cultivate intuition:

Now that you understand the importance of intuition to prioritize, it's essential to learn ways to cultivate it. Here are some techniques to help you develop your intuition:

1. Practice mindfulness:

Mindfulness practices like meditation, prayer, or taking walks in nature, connects you with your subconscious self, heightening awareness of your feelings and thoughts.

2. Listen to your body:

Learn to recognise physical sensations that indicate whether a decision is right or wrong. For instance, when faced with a decision, you may suddenly feel a pit in your stomach, a sinking feeling, or a sense of calmness. These Physical sensations can indicate your intuition trying to indicate the right decision.

3. Trust your first instinct:

Your first impression usually emanates from your intuition. Often, your subconscious mind absorbs a lot of information before your conscious mind processes it, leading to an accurate and reliable first reaction. Learn to trust your gut reaction, which could be your inner voice trying to guide you.


In conclusion, learning to trust your intuition plays a significant role in prioritizing tasks or objectives. It's an innate sense that, when cultivated, allows you to access your inner wisdom, boost your confidence, avoid psychological paralysis, make decisions with clarity and efficiency, and remain authentic to your values and goals. The ability to tune in to your intuition can be a powerful tool in attaining fulfilment and success in your work or personal life. So the next time you have a tough decision to make or struggles to prioritise your objectives, trust your instincts and let your intuition guide you.