Life's TRUE Winners

The test of a true Winner is how they act when they're NOT Winning.
How you manage and deal with adversity has a great deal to do with
whether or not you have the stuff it takes to be a Winner.

There is some element of risk involved in everything we do.
Sometimes it's the amount of risk involved that makes the winning
that much sweeter.

It's a very easy thing to be upbeat and positive when everything is
going according to Hoyle. (obscure reference for you baby boomer's,
for the rest of you it roughly translates to Going the way it

All true Winners have one main trait in common. They all have the
ability to stay focused and move forward when things don't go(here's
that reference again) according to Hoyle.

Your days won't ever be perfect, the AC won't always work, your
mother in law might drop in for a visit, car batteries do tend to
die at the most inopportune times and that check you expected in
today's mail won't always arrive.

Hey, that's life in the big city. Or small town for that matter. The
point is, the way you deal with these stumbling blocks is a huge
determining factor in being a winner.

If you dwell on the stumbling blocks that life throws into your path
you'll never find the time to be a Winner. On the other hand if you
deal with them and move forward with a positive attitude your well
on your way to being one of "Life's TRUE Winners".

"Your Success Is Our Success"


About the Author

[ jim Peters is Manager of NSI "SOLUTIONS". NSI specializes in custom website design,promotion, maintenance, domain registration ,site hosting ,site and graphic design, as well as e-commerce packages for small to medium sized companies. In other words "SOLUTIONS".]