Life by Design

Are you ready to create your life by design? Of
course, you say, but just how do I do that?
Aren't the circumstances of my life simply the
ways things are? How do I influence what my life
looks like? Aren't you someone who always says it
is important to accept life exactly as it is?
This, of course, is one of the divine paradoxes
of the universe. To be at peace, I must accept
and embrace the current conditions and
circumstances of my life. But that does not mean
I lack the power to create an entirely new and
different set of circumstances. In truth, I am
already creating my life experience moment by
moment. The question is, am I doing this
consciously or unconsciously? The difference
between living life by design and life by default
is in the power of focus and attention. Below are
Seven Steps to Becoming a Conscious Creator. Use
them to create your life by design.

Happy Creating!

1. Create a vision for yourself and
your life.

Imagine having a blank canvas on
which to paint your perfect life. Then paint that
picture in your mind and become intimate with its
every detail. Pour out the details in a journal
or create a collage. Bring all your senses into
this picture. See it, speak it, touch it, hear
it and smell it. Spend at least 17 seconds on
this image each day.

2. Spend time focusing on
your desires.

Once you are aware of your
deepest desires, you must keep them alive in your
consciousness. You do this simply by paying
attention to them. Universal law dictates that we
experience whatever we focus upon. Do not let
your mind stray to appearances. Keep your
attention focused squarely upon your desires.

3. Fuel your desires with intention. The
most effective use of the will is applying it to
your mind. Once you are clear what it is you want
and are paying attention to it, your next step is
to clearly intend its creation. The first step is
like starting the car and the second is putting
it into gear. Intention is stepping on the gas.
Look clearly at your vision and say, "I intend to
have this."

4. Believe in your vision.

You cannot draw it to you if you don't believe it
can be done. Having faith in yourself as a
creator is an important step. It may be necessary
to sort through your beliefs to discover your
creative patterns. A thorough examination of your
thoughts and beliefs may be necessary to bring
you to complete faith in yourself as a creator.
As you examine your thought patterns who will
begin to see how they have shaped every event in
your life.

5. Adopt an attitude of

There is no creative force more
powerful than gratitude. A grateful mind can hold
no doubt and a grateful heart is wide open to
receive the bounty of the universe. Grateful
people see miracles everywhere and opportunity in
every apparent challenge.

6. Become
intimate with your inner guidance system.

It is important to familiarize yourself with and pay
attention to your inner guidance. Your inner
guide uses feelings to communicate to you. Your
feelings tell you whether you are aligned with
your desires or not. If you are feeling good, you
are in harmony with your desires. Negative
feelings are telling you your thinking is aligned
with fear and doubt. It is most important to pay
close attention to what you are thinking when you
are experiencing negative emotion. Negative
feelings indicate you are creating in opposition
to your desires.

7. Open your channel to

The final step is to open yourself to
the infinite bounty of the universe. We are only
ever cut off from this wondrous flow by pinching
off the supply ourselves. The flow is ever
present. The question is how wide is your tap
open? Is it shut off completely or just letting
in a trickle? Or perhaps it is wide open and you
are reaping the rewards of a conscious, happy

About the Author

Nancy O'Brien is a transformational life coach
and certified universal energy healing master who
inspires people worldwide to tap their inner
genius and live their lives with passion and purpose.
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