Living With Depression

Andrea Yates shocked the nation when she admitted to systematically drowning her five children in their Texas home. This 36-year-old mother had previously been diagnosed with depression and consequently was prescribed antidepressants. Depression is an ancient and prevalent mental condition that has been referenced throughout history in song, poetry and literature. In a depressed state one feels hopeless and experiences an overwhelming sense of despair. Depression immobilizes a person; they lack both the desire and the energy to carry on their usual activities. It afflicts men and women, rich and poor, young and old alike.

According to the November 1993 issue of the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, more than one hundred million people throughout the world suffer from depression. Each year, more people seek relief from this disabling mental condition than any medical disease, including the common cold. In 1990 the cost of depression exceeded $43 billion in the United States alone. The economic toll is staggering and includes medical treatment, lost work-time, and depression-related suicide.

Why are some people more susceptible to depression than others? Hippocrates, the father of medicine, theorized that we are born into one of four primary temperament styles and that each style has it’s own unique outlook on life; Choleric (aggressive), Sanguine (emotional), Phlegmatic (passive) and Melancholy (analytical). Of these four styles, the introverted Melancholy is the most perfection driven and depression prone. The analytical Melancholy influence gives one tremendous attention to detail but it can also create stress, anxiety and depression. In fact the term melancholy has become synonymous with depression. People with the Melancholy temperament style are by their very nature sensitive, judgmental, and critical. This temperament style becomes depressed primarily due to the fact that they fail to reach their own incredibly high standards. This depression often leads to either suicide and or violence against others.

We each have a personal responsibility for taking control over our thoughts. Thoughts are highly creative and they lead to action. Our thoughts create our emotions and our emotions determine our mental state. Perhaps the most practical suggestion I can give people with the Melancholy temperament style for dealing with depression is to guard against the tendency to engage in destructive, negative self-talk. If you consistently obsess on thoughts of self-criticism, you are automatically setting yourself up for depression. Because of your Melancholy nature you need to keep your drive for perfection in balance. Remember to keep your standards and expectations of yourself and others realistic. Set short-term goals and review them frequently. I have never met anyone that was depressed who was actively goal setting. In my opinion, depression is not a mental illness or disease as some might argue, but rather a choice of mental state. No person, condition or circumstance can make you feel depressed without your permission. President Abraham Lincoln was certainly no stranger to depression. Abe came to the conclusion that man is about as happy as he makes his mind up to be!

About the Author

John Boe, based in Monterey, CA, helps companies recruit, train and motivate top-quality people. To view his online Video Demo or to have John Boe speak at your next event, visit or call (831) 375-3668.