Lost? No Direction Home? A 5-Step Turnaround

Noticing an energy drain I popped in a Rolling Stones CD and hit play. It's only rock and roll but I like it. Somehow the music gets under my skin and catapults me into movement and creativity.

One of my favorite cuts is "Like A Rolling Stone" written by Bob Dylan. The Stones version of it rocks. It's a get-up-off-your-ass-and-dance vibe that permeates my very soul from the inside out.

As I listened to the lyrics I wondered if Dylan keenly observed the rise and fall or his fellow rock stars, celebrities and burnt out wanna-bees he knew in the party days of Andy Warhol and the hip hangout, The Factory.

It's a similar scenario today. People rising to the frenzy of success then flaming out royally. We, the public, watch. Sometimes with more than a dose of schadenfreude. Other times with utter disappointment when the one we admired crashed and burned.

Self-sabotage is not limited to the rich and famous. It visits each and every one of us.

It comes in various shapes including excessive shopping, way too many nip/tucks, food or booze binges, whining, complaining, blaming, seismic temper tantrums, drugs are just some of the wrong-turn stops along the way.

It's a funny thing.

We can often see it coming......the self-sabotage that some never recover from. If we know what's waiting at the end of that pernicious road how come some travelers can't see it? Falling victim to their own over-the-top bad-ass behavior and spending habits there are those who are left having to scrounge around for their next meal when the inevitable finally arrives.

And they're lost. With no direction home.

They don't even know what 'home' is.

There's a saying that home is where the heart is.

That's true.

Within your heart lives your true essence, the voice of your truth, intuition and inspiration. And there is love.

When you turn your back on your divine essence you set foot on the road to misery.

How does it feel?

Like shit.

In order to feel good, those 'bound to fail' look for home in all the wrong places.

We've all taken a ridiculous detour. That's part of the learning, growing, evolving process. Most of us have landed flat on our face from time to time.

That's ok. The key is to learn something while we're down on the ground nursing our wounds. Getting up and doing the same nonsense over again is, well, INSANE!

Many have returned home - and went on to enjoy higher levels of fame, fortune and brilliance. Robert Downey, Jr., Mickey Rourke and Drew Barrymore are just a few who mustered up their moxie to realign themselves with the fullest expression of their authentic potential.

They discovered turning their back on their own magnificence isn't where its at.

Returning home to a heart-centered way of life is.

The spotlight is on public figures who screw-up. For every mea culpa that makes the headlines there are thousands more out of the limelight who can't find their direction home. Like a rolling stone.

Here are 5 Steps to Find Home:

1. Own it.

Arise from an unconscious stupor of reactive behavior. Mindfully look at what feelings, thoughts, words, choices and actions got you so lost.

2. Reach for a new perspective.

Learn the lesson. Get off the habitrail.

3. Set your course for where you want to go.

Get clear on the life you really want to experience. What would rock your very soul.

4. Get it together.

Align every part of yourself with that vision. Make sure your feelings, thoughts, words, choices and actions are made up of what will get you there.

5. Move.

Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Walk your talk.

Unless you want to dance to:

Like A Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan (The Stones version rocks!)