Would you like to start your own business? Become a super star? Get a college education? If none of the desires that I mentioned above motivate you then what does? Now ask yourself: what is holding you from making your dream a reality? Could it be fear of failure?
Fear is a natural emotion that can help us stay safe. With fear we won’t throw ourselves from a building, cut a finger etc. which is a good thing. However, in reference to our desires fear can be fatal. It can paralyze us, often helps us create obstacles that are not even there.
What you have to do is take charge of you. Overcome your fears by confronting them. Every time you have a desire and say to yourself: it is not possible; you can not do that etc. Change you mindset and say you can do it; always make an effort to stay positive. Know that there are possibilities of making mistakes along the way but, see them as learning experiences not as failure. This will help you get up and keep trying.
A fact proven by statistics is that yearly more entrepreneurs fail on attempts to start their own businesses. However, there is something statistics are not showing you. Some of the few entrepreneurs that succeed have been around the block a second or third time. Yes, they were probably some of the business owners that failed but, decided to turn failure in to success. Learning from past experiences helped them employ the new acquired knowledge to the second or third business. Did they really fail the first time around? No, I don’t think so! I like to think about it as hands on experience.
If you make attempts to confront your fears; your life in general can change for the better. So, if you are having doubts remember that others have done it and you can too.
Give Yourself a Chance,
Kenia Morales
About the Author
Kenia Morales is the publisher of online magazine http://kpatra.com "For Every Aspect of Today's Woman. Visit her site to find a variety of women related issues and topics" click here http://www.kpatra.com/keniascolumn.htm to find Kenia's little piece of heaven her inspirational column