Make Your Resolutions Stick!

As the new year approaches it's time to make your
resolutions for the New Year.

You start the New Year with "Great Expectations." You set
your goals for the coming year and you promise that this
year you'll stick to them.

As time goes by you hit a set back here and an unexpected
problem there and your goals fly out the window.

Why do you suppose that is?

I can tell you why. You've been programed to remember the
negatives and forget the positives.

We lose our "Great Expectations" the first chance we get.

There's a story that illustrates this point.

There's a large group of individuals at a positive thinking
rally. As the speaker is talking in walks a man with a
ticket in his hand.

The speaker pauses and announces, "One of you has been
chosen to receive $1,000,000.

What do you think flashes through their minds?

"I know it's not me, I never win anything."

A little later a man walks in with an executioners outfit
on. The speaker announces this time, "I'm sorry, but one
of you is about to be executed."

This time everyone is thinking, "Oh God, I know it's me."

Wow! Do you think like that?

So how do you make sure you stay focused and positive when
things aren't going as expected?

There's a concept they use in the "Silva Method" called
"Reference Points." Most positive thinking groups have
similar concepts.

To create a reference point you pick the most successful
event you remember. Every day you concentrate on your
"Reference Point."


To focus your mind on the positives in your life. Nature
abhors a vacuum. Left on it's own, your mind will fill the
void with the recent negative events.

As soon as you reach a goal, you set a newer more positive
"Reference Point."

Tame your mind, set your goals and keep your resolutions.

Start using "Reference Points" and Make Your Resolutions

About the Author

John publishes the "Street Smart Marketing" newsletter.
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