Making Our Surface Selves Look Better

Image is so important now that everything else is sacrificed in the pursuit of looking or having better things than other people. We are caught up in the rat race, working harder and longer hours trying to achieve physical material things in the mistaken belief they will make us happy. We want to be more beautiful, have bigger breasts or penis, whiter teeth and better clothes.

Man appears to have lost his way so perhaps he is the least natural. Rather than how he behaves, he may be more concerned with how he looks. More important than his family and how he lives, has become plastic surgery, the latest car or the latest gadget. He has forgotten that in order to be a real living person he needs to nourish his soul in his pursuit of perfection on the outside i.e. his life energy. He might as well be plastic, otherwise.

Everything else is sacrificed in the pursuit of looking or having better things than other people as image is so important now. In the mistaken belief they will make us happy, we are caught up in the rat race, working harder and longer hours trying to achieve physical material things. We want to be more beautiful, have bigger breasts, whiter teeth and better clothes.

Making our surface selves look better has consumed us. But these things will not change your life or make you happy. You will spend your entire lifetime chasing this dream if you think material possessions are what a successful life is all about. As you achieve more and more, you will still be unfulfilled so will head back into that rat race.

If you want to be truly happy, natural and unique you need to develop your inner nature. Your essence and your personal energy are what are important. Have you ever meet someone who instantly makes a great first impression on you? It didn't involve buying the latest gadget or clothes, this person has developed their charisma. You exude confidence and charm when you are comfortable with yourself as a person. As you no longer see them as a threat, when you understand what you want out of life and how you are going to get it, you can afford to be nice to other people. As you are truly happy with yourself, you don't care who has more possessions than you or is more beautiful or has a bigger home.

You will exude positive vibes and energy attracting more of the same back into your life. Someone is relaxed and open to the world and the opportunities on offer when they full of positive energy. They are free to be themselves and no longer have to work hard and waste endless amounts of energy trying to be something they aren't.

They are simply natural.