Making Time for the Small Stuff

Whatever your occupation, you probably feel there is never enough time in the day to take care of the little things.
We all have tasks we need or want to do but seem to never get done. "Wanna-do's" around the house pile up. "Gotta-get-to's" at the office become stacks on
your desk. What is the solution? There is a quick and easy two-part answer.

First, make a list of all those little chores you have been putting off. Most take very little time to accomplish,
and therefore, are postponed indefinitely.

At home, your task list might include: frame pictures, clean out junk drawer, wash spaghetti sauce off ceiling. At work, you might list: read organizing newsletter, order pens, edit e-mail folders.

You may have two pages of small items which need to be done. How long you have been putting them off? Without
a plan, you may never get to them.

Next, schedule a small amount of time each day to do one item on your list. Choose the one that looks the least painful. Write yourself a note and place it on your computer screen
or refrigerator. Don't let yourself go to bed at night until the task has been completed.

You will soon notice that those little things are just that little things. You can stop stressing yourself out over the small stuff by accomplishing a little bit every day. Good luck!

About the Author

Barbara Myers is a professional organizer and author. Enjoy a free tips booklet and e-zine to help you take control of your time by organizing your life. Visit