Matters of the Heart

Being raised in a house full of girls, gift giving for guys left us idea poor. Shopping for dad was no exception. When asked what he needed, he would respond, "A million dollars and a barrel of spending money." Though humorous, not only was it an impossible gift to provide but, it was not even a need.

So, if I asked what your need is, could you tell me? Would you know what it is?

Perhaps you long, not lust, for something and the feeling will not go away. Maybe your heart is aching or breaking. You might either be crying in your sleep or yourself to sleep. A situation could be holding you back; controlling, crushing, or compelling you. But whatever the effect; a void, emptiness, and longing remains that seems to have no hope or resolution ~ wherein your world will never totally otherwise be right.

Focusing on circumstances takes our eyes off God. Failing to separate it from need makes us prone to praying in our will instead of His (Ja. 4:3).

If in examining your heart, that every action and motive is pure, you find the need to really be necessary for your heart's survival; search to define the need. When the answer comes, you have found the need of your heart and God's will for you.

Man may have a problem with such a bold statement, but God does not. According to Jesus, it makes others suffer when they are told they can not come to Him.

God created us to have needs (not counting them as sinful or selfish). Without them, we would have no way of knowing our need for God or how much He loves us.

When we hurt, God hurts; as any loving parent would. Taking residence in the Christian heart, when our spirit is wounded the Spirit is wounded. Your heart can not be touched without it touching the heart of God!

Any time our heart is pure (I Jn. 3:21) and feels pulled, grabbed, tugged, or touched from within; God has placed it there. That is God and His desire, also. Keeping our heart in tune allows us to 'know' His perfect will, in all things (as the Spirit beareth witness and is truth, I Jn. 5:6); giving confidence to believe, receive, stand, take steps of faith, walk away, and trust God to meet the need (each according to His divine instruction).

God is for YOU (Ez. 36:9), forever caring in matters of the heart (Pr. 4:23).

© by Joyce C. Lock
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.

About the Author

Joyce C. Lock is a published author, poet, and columnist. In addition, she founded and maintains the e-mail ministries "Heavenly Inspirations" and "Share a Smile" Joyce's writings encourage us in our relationship with God and each other.