Meditation Is Like A Dinner Party

Try Not To Force Things Too Much

Often, when meditating, we try too hard to force a certain
state of mind that we think we should have. We try hard to
suppress thoughts, for example. This is just another
thought, of course, and another obstacle to the peaceful
state we are hoping for.

So how do you make things happen that can't be forced? The
question itself shows the need for another perspective. Some
things can't be forced to happen, and all struggles to do so
only take you farther away. There are times when all you can
do is prepare and wait.

The Dinner Invitation

Imagine a wonderful evening with new friends. You prepared
dinner, bought a good bottle of wine, and cleaned the house.
Now the guests are here, the conversation is great, and you
are happy. Can you make this happen? Yes and no.

You can prepare in every way to make it a pleasant event,
but in the end, the guests can decline your invitation, or
not arrive, or show up late, right? You can't force them to
come, or if you try, you'll ruin the atmosphere or even the

That is how meditation is, too. You do what is necessary to
prepare for a good experience, but in the end, you can't
force it. Work and discipline help, just like cleaning up
and chilling the wine are necessary to prepare for a good
dinner party, but there is no forcing the result. When the
experience is a good one, enjoy it, but if it doesn't
happen, just prepare again.

So when you want to invite inspiration into your meditation,
or into your life, don't try to push the guest through the
door. When you are tempted to do so, turn back to your
preparations, and concentrate on that. Just send out the
invitations, prepare yourself, and relax.

About the Author

Steve Gillman has meditated and studied meditation for over
twenty years. You can visit his website, and subscribe to
The Meditation Newsletter at: