Memory - Invaluable Tips On How To Improve It

I want to start off by saying I have had Epilepsy most of my life. Except for a few early years in my adult life I have had to manage it and try to minimize the effects it has on the human body. One of the areas that is most noticeable is on memory. I never used to worry about not being able to remember things but when I was diagnosed with Epilepsy again I noticed an immediate difference, both in short and long term memory. And it was not a good one. But I had to be practical, it wasn't like I could undo having the disorder but I was going to have to manage it as best as I knew how.

I found short term memory to be more of a problem but here are some of the things I have done to help me through.

1) Whenever someone talks to me I stop whatever I am doing and focus on them. If I'm trying to solve a problem I focus on it. Believe me, this help. The world today is filled with so many distractions like TV, internet and just the hectic pace of our lives. By removing all the distractions you will have a much better chance of retaining that information

2) Take a notepad and pen with you everywhere or a little digital recorder. Great for notation and remembering all those ideas that pop into your head and all those things you've said to people. Mobile Phones even voice record so you can do that. But whatever you do, it is important so as not to forget, as we are most likely to get distracted and the thought will disappear

3) Get plenty of sleep and rest. The mind functions much better on a full night's sleep. Probably not a helpful tip for new parents but if you can find the proper amount of rest your brain will thank you.

4) Try any number of brain training exercises, puzzles, jigsaws - anything that tests your brain power. We focus a lot on physical excercise but tend to neglect mental excercise which is very important as we get older.

That's It! I hope I have helped in some small way. But the best advice is to slow down and tackle one thing at a time - your brain will thank you later.