Motivators... Catch Folks Doing It Right

Do you know one of the best ways to motivate other people and get
them involved? Here's a clue... It's not always as simple as quoting
a passage from a motivational book or threatening to fire someone, or
screaming at the top of your lungs about how incompetent they are :-)

I'm not downplaying motivational material. Believe me, I read it all
day long. I'm 100% sold on it. However, it tends to be one of those
things that positively impacts the person reading it at the time. Not
necessarily the person you want to motivate or inspire. Particularly
if they're not the type person who reads or listens to it themselves.

The downside of threatening to fire someone can have several
implications. Sure you might get the immediate spur in productivity
you were looking for, but in the long run you could end up losing
much more then you gain. For example, it can create a sense of
disloyalty and distrust in people.

Then there's the question of what happens if the person you're
threatening to fire beats you to it and quits on the spot? You say it
wouldn't bother you, but is that really the case? Essentially you've
created a whole other problem. Now you've got rehire someone, spend
time and money training them, etc. I think you see where I am going
with this right?

So what's the solution you ask? Obviously you don't want folks
running around unproductive and you want those around you to operate
at peak performance.

Here's my suggestion... Catch those around you doing something good!
Admittedly this might sound overly simple, but you have to realize
it's in this very simplicity that makes it so effective. People love
to be rewarded. Often we miss the point that people are motivated in
different ways.

For some people it might be monetary rewards, perhaps it is something
like being publicly recognized in a group of their peers, or shown
appreciation in the company newsletter for a job well done. This
simple idea stretches both into the world of business and one's
personal life.

It makes no difference if you're talking about dealing with your
family or a disgruntled employee the fact remains that people like to
be appreciated. They may tell you otherwise, but it's one of life's
inescapable truths. The more you look for ways to catch people doing
things well, the less you're going to find yourself worrying about
the other.

Now it's time to get out there and catch those around you doing
something good. One word of caution, be genuine in your approach. If
you do, the rest will take care of itself... To Your Success, Josh

About the Author

Josh Hinds - Founder
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