My Journey

My Journey

 by: Dr. Tim Sams

I believe it's important for you to develop a mission statement for your life; one that is unique and articulates your values, goals, dreams; how you want to live.

Your mission statement is a living, breathing testimony of the life you are committed to living. It is also a way to pull yourself back from the darkness when you are feeling lost in the minutiae of misery.

I read my mission statement every morning and it grounds me and reminds me what is important and how I want to be that day. I have not shared this with others before now, because it is intensely personal, but I thought I would share it in this article, in hopes that you will write your own mission statement as one of the first steps in your own sacred journey.

MY JOURNEY by Dr. Tim Sams

I will live with the courage of an open heart, free of convention or expectation.

I will feel passionate about what I do and how I live.

I will shed the toxic and be healed by me and what I bring into my life.

I will feel as one with Mother Earth and my tribe.

I will merge my creative loving energy with others and make fire.

I will learn and mature in wisdom and encourage others to follow their unique path.

I will squeeze every drop of joy and playfulness that I can from Life, then release my exhausted body to the earth and my grateful spirit to the winds.

May the universe then know: I lived with purpose; I loved with passion; I laughed often.

I hope you have a glorious and loving week. Be as good to yourself as you are to others.

Good light,

Dr. Tim Sams

My Sacred Journey

Copyright 2004. Dr. Tim Sams. All rights reserved.