Naming And Claiming

A Joy-propelled Life For You

Name yourself joy for today. Or maybe make joy your
middle name. Make joy as much a part of you as your
name is. Why? Because a joy-propelled life is an
extraordinary life.

Joyful people create astounding lives for themselves.
Their joy makes them lighthouses attracting shiploads
of delight. And their joy makes them beacons showing
others the way.

Joy’s A Buffer, A Bonfire

Joy is like a shield from the negatives in life. Joyful
people are protected from joyless things such as
ailments, pauperism, and sluggishness. Joy brings energy
and insight to do grand, glorious, and gifted deeds. Joyful
people are having too much fun and are too full of vim and
verve for dismal, Drama Zone conditions.

People are attracted to the joy in others and people just feel
good making their joyful associates even more joyful and
successful. Joy is catching and communicable and contagious.
One joyful person in a room or company or family can ignite a
whole group. The fire of joy can burn away all things negative.

Wow! That joy is mighty powerful. Name yourself joy.
Proclaim yourself joy! Today!

Where Do I Go To Get This Joy?

Two very effective ways to quickly create joy in yourself?
Gratitude and memory. Look around at your life and make a list
in writing of all the things for which you are grateful. Add
to the list whenever you get chance. If you find yourself
dwelling on what you lack, read your list. Make that growing
list a part of you and it will grow even faster. Sing your list,
waltz with it, write it in all your favorite colors.

And sit down frequently and think of times when you were
most joyful. Truly remember them and feel them. Infuse
yourself with the joy of those memories. Let the joy from your
past leap forward from memory into now. Catch the leaping joy
with a smile and wear it inside and out. Then jump for joy as
you become practiced in calling joy to you any time you desire.

Increasing the number of people living in joy has a positive
impact on our workplaces and our communities. One who
invites joy into his or her life also invites greater wellness,
fortune, and success. As joy increases in our business
organizations, those organizations become healthier,
wealthier, and more successful. And, as joy expands in our
society, it will become a place more inclusive, productive,
and peaceful. This joy is potent stuff.

Daily Exercise

Naming can be much like claiming. Think of a trait you would
like to claim for yourself if not joy, then maybe health,
wealth, success, happiness, peace, kindness, the big, blue sky
is the limit. For today, call yourself, name yourself, that trait.
Maybe “I am health.” Or “I am kindness.” Stand up tall and say,
“I am [your chosen name]” at least once an hour today. Sing it
in the shower. Shout it with glee in the park.

Write it down each hour, too. “I am [your chosen name].”
All throughout the day, carry the paper with your new name
close to you. Grin when you think of it in your pocket or purse
or under your belt.

Don’t just write it on paper. Use your finger to trace it in
the air or in a pond. Write it in your food with your fork. Form
your name with flowers or spell it out with jellybeans. Let
today be permeated by your new name. The trait you claimed
will become yours.

What will you name yourself today?

About the Author

Stephanie West Allen, JD, is the author of 24 7 This! The
Merry Method To Accelerate Success. Excerpts at
She coaches people in using the two Merry Maxims, WYTUG
(What You Think Upon Grows) and LULU (Loosen Up, Lighten
Up), to achieve health, wealth, creativity, and harmonized
relationships. mail