National Karmic Debt

A nation made up of many people behaves as a person and reflects the overall native character or lack thereof. Public accountability demands public accounting. The karmic scales of justice are rarely in balance, once people are factored in. Which way are the karmic scales tilted in Iraq? Has Iraq paid its global debt by living as a violent totalitarian state? Does it have great blessing due? Or is its debt only half paid? Has the United States paid all its global karmic debts in spilled blood? Can it ever? The smart money is betting against it.

Let's start with credit itself, as it impacts nearly everyone on the planet. The penalty for exceeding the national credit limit will be an end to easy and cheap credit. International credit lenders don't expect national debts to be repaid, nor do they want them repaid. Neither do the credit happy politicians. A credit debt is a cash cow. It costs no one anything but a promise and a bookkeeping entry, but the account is then maintained by paying interest that comes both from new credit and taxes on wage and salary slaves - or earnings. It is the last beneficiary of commerce that pays all taxes, included in the market price of goods and services. Those who benefit financially by maintaining national credit accounts prefer to see increasing debt. This allows them to siphon all the profits from the economy, great or small, if they so desire. They usually do not, so breathe easy.

Scripture proclaims the borrower is servant to the lender. Many of us know the truth of this from personal experience. If you believe elected, indebted governments set policies, you don't believe the borrower is servant to the lender, you must believe the lender is the servant to the borrower. Please teach me how to live in that world. Who are the top ten holders of the U.S. national debt? They are the policy makers. They don't want their pictures in the papers. They don't give interviews to 60 Minutes. They just have their agents talk to presidents and lawmakers to make it clear what they want. They usually get what they want. In this case the borrowers are not merely servants, but puppets. When you are listening to puppets, it is wise to read between the lines and learn the desires of the puppet masters.

Since the national debt is a bookkeeping fraud, it does not really matter how great it becomes and the best time to borrow is when rates are low. It is Karmic debt we have to look at closely. The laws of men are mockeries of the laws of nature and the universe. Spiritual law demands justice, if it takes ten generations. What we should concern ourselves with right now, is which way the U.S. karmic scales are tipped and how badly. Do we want to tilt them further and in which direction?

It seems as though the national credit debt is only the tip of the iceberg that is owed. We can't even be certain that our generational blood sacrifices have done anything to level the balances. In fact, things may be worse because we have demanded heavier blood taxes on others than we have been willing to pay ourselves. We certainly know this blood letting has contributed much to the credit debt. The U.S. sacrifice to Moloch certainly tilts the karmic balances in the wrong direction.

The bad news is that we, you and me, are ultimately responsible for everything done in our name since Europeans began settling in North America. Iraq is just the latest debt. Think about this for a few minutes and you should be overwhelmed about your fair share. There are bankruptcy remedies. As Deepak Chopra declares in the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, in the Law of Karma, we have options. The first of three is shut up and pay up. Take our lumps until the balance tips in our favor. This is attractive to no one who considers what may be owed by now. The next option is the transformation of karma. This balances the scales by becoming a blessing to others.

Many of us agree this option is much better than the first. We can become this blessing individually and by joining our efforts to organizations that clearly are blessing others or have a good plan of intention to do so. Charities, peace groups, social justice associations, environmentalists. The drawback is the best intentions coupled with near universal ignorance, often turn out worse than dedicated evil doing. To transform karma, we had better see the outcome from the intent. Mistakes can further imbalance the scales.

The third option is karmic transcendence. We become so unified with God or life force, the karmic ledger is expunged of our debt. My guess is that this would require some critical mass as a percentage of the U.S. population, seeking spiritual unity or the ultimate one party political ideal. This option is the most attractive. It is actually the easiest of all to do, which conforms to the Law of Least Effort. The drawback is reaching that critical mass and there are presently people working hard to achieve this very transcendence. In the meantime, we will take our lumps, accept our punishments, knowing we are worthy of them, which is some comfort. We will transform a lot of our karma by actually doing the good we intend. In just over twenty years, we will transcend all our remaining karma. Those twenty years will not be easy or pretty, but don't you feel better about what used to be our overwhelming debts?

About the Author

Freelance writer published on many websites and newspapers.