Network Your Way To The Top

How would you like to have a fan club filled with people who know, like,
trust and respect you? People who have a very clear understanding of what
you do and exactly the kind of client you are looking for. People who will
actually go out and find clients for you, and, best of all, they¹ll never
charge you a cent!. Sound like a fantasy? It¹s not. It¹s all
possible...if you know how to network.

So what exactly is networking? If you look at the word ³network,² you¹ll
notice that it is both a noun and a verb. As a noun it is simply the people
you know, your sphere of influence. As a verb, it is making use of that
sphere of influence in an intelligent manner by sharing information and
giving support. Networking today is about forming and cultivating
relationships. The objective of networking should be to help other people
succeed. The more you help others, the more they will want to help you.
It is a simple law of nature: what goes around comes around.

Like anything else in life, though, networking is worknetWORK. You need
to have very clearly defined goals and objectives in order to succeed. You
need to have systems in place to make sure those goals and objectives are
met, and you must have a plan of action.

Here are just few tips to help you build your business through networking:

Know who you know!
You cannot even begin to network, unless you know who is in your network!
Make lists of everybody you know through family, friends, your children,
hobbies, sports. For everyone on your list write everything you know about
them, e.g, their hobbies, where they grew up, the type of dog they have, who
their friends are, etc. Update this list weekly.

Know who you want to know.
Then figure out how to meet them. This is where you need to have a very
clearly defined plan of action. Learn everything about the people you want
to meet, and then figure out who in your network shares the
same interests. It is very probable that they will know someone who knows
the person you want to meet.

Understand and appreciate your value to the people in your network.
We all have unique interests, talents, and experiences which can be used to
help others. Revel in knowing that you can touch the lives of everyone you
meet if you are prepared to share your knowledge and resources with them.

Develop systems to organize your information so it is readily accessible.
Whether it¹s a Day-timer, a contact management computer program, a Rolodex,
or good ol¹ index cards doesn¹t matter. Use whatever works best for you and
allows you to retrieve information quickly so you can pass it along in a
timely manner.

Strategize ways to consistently get your name before the people in your
You want to be at the forefront of their thinking so when a potential client
presents him/herself to someone you know, that person immediately makes the
connection and makes the referral. This is the ultimate goal of networking.

Give, give, give!
Give freely of yourself, never expecting anything in return. Trust that what
you put out there will come back to you. It may not come back immediately.
It may not come back, directly. It will, however, come back eventually.
Just give.

About the Author

Leni Chauvin is a professional and personal success coach and an expert in
building business through referral networks. Her proven methods of
generating qualified leads have led to millions of dollars worth of referral
business for her clients. Visit to learn
more and to subscribe to NETWORKING GAZETTE, Leni¹s FREE e-mail newsletter
packed with tips to help you grow your business.