New Year’s Resolution forgotten already?

New Year’s Resolution forgotten already?

 by: Christiane Holbrook

Now that the new year is here, many of us are struggling to hold onto our usual new year’s resolutions. Have you noticed that most of the time resolutions add to your “to-do” list rather than simplifying your life? Why not making a resolution to simplify your life instead? Do you often feel overwhelmed with things to do, places to be? You enjoy being productive but feel frantic during the day? You are organized and live by your to-do list and yet this chore list seems to get longer rather than shorter? Do you know a lot of people but often wonder why there doesn’t seem to be any time for deep connections? Simplifying one’s life means just that, letting go of certain habits, conventions, or actions that don’t serve you in creating more meaning in your life, and then using that energy to create connections, peace and a sense of gratitude.

We all want to be of service, be professional, get things done, be responsible and reliable, be the best we can be but we often forget ourselves on the way. No wonder we end up feeling so overwhelmed. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take that will help you let go of things that are not bringing meaning into your life, so you can have more time for those things that are truly important to you! These changes will allow you to find more fulfillment and joy in your everyday activities. Peace and serenity are attainable when you re-arrange your life for more balance.

The most common complaint I hear in my coaching practice is from the “Super mom.” (Now, this example also applies to you men, so read on.) The “super mom” has a demanding career but she also volunteers at school, bakes cookies for her children’s class, takes care of the house, chauffeurs the kids around and listens to her partner’s concerns late at night. All of these responsibilities may be important to her. But they can take over, creating a schedule that allows for no time for self or meaningful relationships with others. There is only one solution: Simplify!

To experience more joy, we need to let go of certain activities, to create a space that we can fill with more meaning. All our obligations and assignments are serving some purpose. Yet, we need to have the courage to say “No” so that we can slow down and make time for ourselves. We also need to get to know ourselves. Often we have not taken time for reflection on what gives us true fulfillment. Once we know what we really want, we need to put a realistic plan in place. Change doesn’t just happen by willpower but by laying out a concrete plan that is attainable and measurable. We need to create a list of those activities we will courageously say “No” to, scheduling blocks of time for whatever holds meaning for us and then safeguarding them. We also need someone to hold us accountable during these times of creating new habits and lifestyle changes. Tell a friend, a coach, your partner or even your boss which changes you will accomplish. Lastly, we need to consistently take action on our new plans until the new rhythm of life becomes a habit.

So, what can you say “No” to today so that your life will be simpler and more meaningful? How can you say it so that it gets heard and understood? Where can you create a space that you then thoughtfully fill with something that holds deep meaning to you? If you chose one action that would allow you to create some time for peace, reflection and connection, what would it be? How frequently do you need this special time? How can you safeguard it? And who should you tell about your plans? Who can be your support?

Today’s the day to make a commitment to yourself. Get out your calendar and block off that special time for the coming month. And keep saying “No thank you” to new obligations that would jeopardize your time for you. Once you have a little practice, you’ll be surprised how easy it is to simplify!