...On Losing Your Job

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Word Count: 532

Summary: 5 practical activities to do as soon as your learn

that you are losing your job.

...On Losing Your Job

Getting downsized, right-sized, laid off or "let go" can be

very difficult to handle. Here are five ideas to implement

as soon as you learn you that you are losing your job:

1. Be angry......but only for 1 day (2 at the most). It

is totally normal to feel angry or betrayed when you lose

your job. The problem with anger, however, is that it is

seldom productive. If you are spending a lot of energy

being upset you can't focus on looking for a new job or be

effective in an interview. Give yourself time to be angry,

let that anger out, then move on.

2. Get a picture of your financial situation. The loss of

income is undoubtedly the most difficult part to deal with

during an unexpected job loss. This is especially

frightening if you are the main bread winner of the family.

As soon as you learn that your job is coming to an end

prepare a financial statement. Write out all of your

monthly expenses. Have separate categories for necessities

(like rent and groceries), nice to haves (like cable), and

obligations (like credit cards). Know how much money you

need every month to cover your necessities, be prepared to

eliminate some nice-to-haves and inform lenders if you

anticipate being unable to handle obligations. Being armed

with this information will help alleviate some of the stress

of the unknown. This financial picture can tell you how long

you can live off of your savings or how much you need to

bring in from a part time or temp job while you look for a

new permanent job.

3. Apply for unemployment as soon as possible. As soon as

you find out that you are losing your job, call your state's

unemployment office to understand how the program works, how

soon you can apply, and when your benefits go into effect.

Some states have a waiting period and it may take 3 - 4 weeks

for your claim to be processed.

4. Make your other talents known. Sometimes you will find

a company that is laying off employees in one department

while hiring new people in another department. This is due

to a skill gap. A company can't just take an employee from

Department A and move him into Department B if the employee

doesn't have the skills to do that other job. But, if you

are someone who does have those skills, either from a hobby,

volunteer work, or education, you might be able to make a

case for a transfer. This is a long shot, but you'll never

know if you don't ask.

5. Think about what you really really really want to do

next. If you are one of the "lucky" people who get advanced

warning that your job is coming to an end (like an

announcement that your office is closing in 6 months) don't

hit the panic button and immediately go out to find another

job. Instead use the time to "find" yourself. Read,

evaluate your hobbies, investigate jobs that you think would

be interesting. This way your next career move will be

deliberate and planned, not a knee-jerk response.

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© Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved. Myrtis Smith is a

personal coach. Her mission is to help people create their

preferred future and have fun doing it. Sign up for her

free newsletter Change Now! at www.premeditatedlife.com
....because life doesn't just happen!

About the Author

Myrtis Smith is a

personal coach. Her mission is to help people create their

preferred future and have fun doing it. Sign up for her

free newsletter Change Now! at www.premeditatedlife.com
.......because life doesn't just happen!