One Hundred Goals YES! One Hundred Goals!

Was this speaker stark raving mad? One hundred goals? He

thought I could come up with 100 goals for my life?

The speaker, Mark Victor Hansen, compiled the hugely
successful Chicken Soup for the Soul series of books with
Co-Author Jack Canfield. He challenged the assembled
throng at the Women's Business Conference to brainstorm
100 life goals.

Further, he encouraged us to work with a partner with
whom we would swap lists. Together we would encourage
each other to develop our list. We would hold each other
accountable. We would help each other eventually reach
these 100 life goals.

Seeing that he was where he was, and I was where I
was, I decided to take his advice! How many best sellers
does Mark Victor Hansen have anyway? Exactly my point!
He was a best selling writer, highly paid motivational speaker,
darn good dresser too! And me? I was an employee of local
government who read a lot of inspiring books. The kids in my
Sunday School class were motivated by my speaking. That was
certainly worth something. My wardrobe? Usually bought on
sale, or at the end of the season on clearance.

If Mark Victor Hansen got where he was by writing 100
goals? Then I figured it would not hurt to try! My co-worker
and I buddied up to walk together through the process.

The next day I sat at my keyboard. At first I thought I
would have difficulty in thinking up goals. Soon, though,
I was on a roll. My goals were as diverse as "Have lunch
with a friend one time weekly" to "Host a radio talk show"
to "travel to Europe".

I approached my co-worker to share my list with her. I
also wanted to do my part as her buddy. I knew I needed to
encourage her to write her own 100 goals. She read through
my list, saying "Great! Oh, and you wrote 'Learn French
twice!' ". With that, she went back to the tasks on her desk.

" is your list coming, buddy?" I tried to
sound as positive as I could on this one. Never sound
accusatory towards your buddy, I thought

She looked out her window and replied, "My 100 goals
are to get up tomorrow and the next 100 days!" She laughed at
her humor. Me? I didn't understand.

Then again, her dream in 5 years is to still be working
in local government. Perfectly respectable. Nothing at all
wrong with that goal.

It is just not something that I could be particularly
passionate about. Not something that I would be especially
inspired by.

So where does that leave you, today?

Can you think of your 100 goals? Where would you
like to be in 5 years? If you had a magic wand and your life
could look like anything, what would I see when looking
at you? What would it feel like to live that ideal life? What
would others think of your life? Would you inspire people?
Annoy people? Learn from people?

In other words, what do you really want to do with your

Start slow if you think you can not possibly think of 100
goals. Take out a piece of paper or open a new document on
your word processor. Go for ten goals at first. No set order
of preference, just let your mind go. Let the ideas and
thoughts flow.

You may find you need to write more than ten goals as
your ideas start moving less like a trickle and more like a
deluge. If you run into a roadblock? Stop working. Walk away.

Save the goals you have written..Promise yourself
that you will come back later.

And then do exactly that! Come back later. Challenge
yourself to finish your list of 100 goals.

Finally, find someone with whom to share your goals. A
buddy to encourage you as you grow. Do you have anyone
who would encourage this kind of challenge? If not, ask
around or look for a group on line that discusses goal setting.

When I first wrote this article, I was still working as a
government employee. I have gratefully been an entrepreneur,
coach and writer full time since November, 1999. As for me, I am
on my way to reaching more and more of my 100 goals. I spend
my hours caring for my precious babies (one goal was to have
another baby, who is now 4! This May I was blessed with another
baby, my first son). Just this past week I bought four new
website domains to add to my main website,
It is all about Living a Passion Filled Life. My second book
is about to hit the market.

"I have not yet made reservations for a European Trip, nor
have I hosted aTalk Radio program, but listen to your local
station. You just never can be sure." Were the words I wrote
back in 1998. In fact, that needs to be updated. In January I
begin hosting my own radio show, so now I will have to say,
listen for when my show hits syndication!

100 Goals? YES! 100 goals!

100 Goals. A method for uncovering what you really want. 100
Goals. A way to find out what is stored in your heart. 100 Goals.
The beginning of your future. 100 Goals!

About the Author

Julie Jordan Scott is a Personal Success Coach who left her career
as a government bureaucrat and built a successful business in less
than six months.
Visit for free resources for YOUR success
Email her at or call 661.325.4116