Organise your Mind

The road to achievement can be short, long or a dead end the choice is yours.
Yes I will repeat that THE CHOICE IS YOURS.

It is a fact that all people both men or women can make a success of their life and can achieve great riches in both monetary terms and ultimate happiness. The truth is to obtain ultimate happiness you have to be rich in the monetary sense.

Let me explain this in further detail.
If you want to achieve a happy and fulfilled life you will need money to do it. You will want a new car. You will want a larger home. You will want to go on holiday. You will want to go to the Theatre. You will want new clothes. The list is endless. It is not greed, it is a natural human need, it is in our nature, we always want more, we want the best, we want to fill our world with beautiful things. To get the things we want, we need money. This makes us happy.
Do not pretend otherwise. The saying “I am happy with what I have” is used as an excuse for the under-achiever. Deep down they are usually envious of what other people have. The “I am happy with what I have” people are often the ones with the Lotto ticket in their hand watching the numbers roll out and hoping they will win.

So Organize Your Mind!!

Most people’s minds are like a rubbish bin; you open the lid and just throw things into it. You collect all your thoughts and just throw them into your mind all jumbled up. The successful person on the other hand has an organised mind. They will concentrate on obtaining what they want out of life. Everyday will be a day closer to obtaining that goal.

Nowadays we are becoming more environmentally aware so we have to separate our rubbish. We have to put paper in one bin, coke cans in another, plastic in another and so on. Our rubbish is organised and placed into separate containers. Then when the container is emptied, we start to fill it again but only with the things that are meant to go into that container. Of course if the containers were never emptied all the rubbish would fall out and would eventually mix with the rubbish from the other overflowing containers and would therefore become a jumbled rubbish bin again.

So the first stage has now become clear we have to organise the rubbish in our brains into neat little containers and once finished with it, throw it away. There is a good reason why we have to do this. We want to concentrate on getting rich, on obtaining our goals, not spend our time sorting rubbish. So the first stage has to be, sort the rubbish once and for all.

So how do we do this?

Take a pen and paper and firstly write down every worry you have at the present time.

Secondly write down everything you should have done but have not got around to.

Thirdly write down all that you owe and to whom.
It doses not matter if the same thing appears in more then one list.

Now look at the lists.

Firstly you have to see if anything appears in more then one list. If it does, this is most possibly one of your main concerns, this is right at the top of your everyday re-occurring thoughts. This is most likely the thing or things you think about most. Everything else will be of less importance to you because of your “main concern”.

Now the chances are your “main concern” is the thing that is stopping you from moving forward. You are bogged down by this “main concern”.
Now you make another list, give it a heading “CONCERNS”. Start at number one and list everything you have on your lists in order of concern. Number one will of course be your “main concern”.

You now need to make another list, give this a heading of “I WANT”. Write down everything you want. This does not have to be only material things. Because of the way our minds work the first item on your list will be the thing you want most and will progressively become less important the further down the list you go.

OK. What you have just done is to take all your thoughts of both “concerns” and “wants” and have written them down. You have taken all the rubbish in your mind, sorted through it and placed it into containers. In front of you, you have a list in order of priority and importance, your “concerns” as well as your “wants".

You are looking at everything that at this present time is worrying you. You have also given thought to what you really want out of life.

Do not destroy these lists. They are going to form your course of action. When you get rid of a concern, cross it off the list. When you get a want, cross it off a list. Some of the items you have on either list could take a long time to cross off. But believe me, one day you will cross them off. If your mind is uncluttered with everyday rubbish you can work towards your goal of “wants” and remove your “concerns”. It’s up to you how quickly you achieve this. You have to believe in what you are doing, you have to organise your mind. An organised mind knows what it wants and how to achieve it.

About the Author

Lynn Claridge is a psychic medium. She specializes in self-development through meditation and the understanding of your inner-self. She has written a book “Understanding your Psychic Ability” available at and has a website covering amongst other subjects, spiritualality, self-healing and personal development.